
  1. 新系统参考成熟的Kad网络技术,通过Key值对方式进行全网数据管理,充分通过P2P架构对网络中的各终端资源加以有效利用,极大地降低了云存储的部署、运维成本。

    New system refer to the mature Kad network technologies , by using key-value pairs for data management , resources of terminals in the network are effectively used .

  2. 本文最后探讨了TR-069与UPnP如何进行无缝融合,从而实现端到端的全网配置管理解决方案。

    Finally , a discussion on how " seamless " convergence between TR-069 and UPnP and an " end-to-end " auto-configuration and management are realized in author 's work .

  3. 天地网远程教育安全保障系统中全网安全管理系统的设计

    Design of Network Security Management System in Distance Education Security Ensuring System

  4. 这套系统主要有三个部分组成,分别是前置机、策略服务器、全网策略管理中心。

    The system consists of front server and policy server and policy manage server .

  5. 全网策略管理中心是用来管理整个过滤系统的过滤策略,并对由搜索引擎得来的网址进行分类。

    The policy manage server is used to manages the filter policy of the whole filter system , and classes the URL from search engine .

  6. 网管系统集中维护和管理系统采用当今计算机和数据通讯技术的最新成果,实现全网计算机管理。

    Network management centralized maintenance and management system adopts the latest fruit of modern computer and data telecom technology , it can realize the overall network computer management .

  7. 网络管理系统作为全网资源管理和业务调度的子系统,除了需要解决传统的网络管理问题,也面临着更加复杂的需求。

    Network management system as a subsystem for network resource management and traffic scheduling , not only resolves the problems of traditional network management , but also faces with more complex requirements .

  8. 因而有必要改进TMN体系结构及实现方法,以实现全网的综合管理和优化,充分发挥网管功能。

    Therefore , it is necessary to reform the architecture and application of TMN in order to accomplish network management and optimization and bring the network management function into full play .

  9. 在调度中心设置网管中心,统一进行全网的网络管理和业务管理。

    It sets the network management center in the dispatching and communication center , runs the network and operations management uniformly .

  10. 从全程全网的经营管理、中国电信的发展和普遍服务的意义上来考虑,农村电信应全部无偿地划为中国电信集团所有。

    Considering the overall network operation and management , telecom development conditions , and universal services , the rural telecom should be assigned to the China Telecom Group in its entirety without compensation .

  11. 对快速路构建动态交通模型并进行动态交通态势评估,是对大城市快速路系统乃至全网的交通管理及优化方案实施的重要基础。

    Developing the dynamic traffic model and assessing the dynamic traffic states is the important foundation for the implementation of traffic management and optimization for not only expressway systems but the entire road network of a megacity as well .

  12. 同时实现全网资源的集中管理、统一调度,对数据进行统计分析,为辅助领导进行决策,从而提高企业的经济效益和社会效益。

    Finally realize whole network resource Centralized Management , dispatch unify , analyses and statistic , assistant leading decision-making , consequently improve enterprise economy efficiency and social benefit .

  13. 建立综合网管系统,以实现包括全网故障分析和故障定位、全网性能综合分析等功能的对全网的综合管理是十分必要的。

    So we should develop a comprehensive network management system to implement fault analysis and location of the whole network , and to acquire the comprehensive performance analysis of whole network .