
  • 网络telecommunication services network
  1. 电话网是覆盖最广的电信业务网,湖北省内窄带综合业务数字网(N-ISDN)和智能网(IN)建设应与PSTN综合考虑。

    The construction of N-ISDN and IN in Hubei province should be considered in combination with PSTN to take advantage of its wide coverage .

  2. 程控交换技术在电信业务网中的应用

    The Application of Program-Controlled Exchange Technology in Telecommunication Service Network

  3. 保障电信业务网的高效发展和稳定可靠的运行,是电信运行维护部门进行管理和组织生产活动的重要支撑系统。

    Guarantees the efficient development and reliable operaion of the telecommunications network , it is essential support system for operation and maintenance department to carry out the management and organization of production activities .

  4. 本地传输网作为各种电信业务的基础承载网,在整个电信网络发展过程中起着至关重要的作用。

    Local transmission network , which is the basic carrier network of all the telecom services , plays a key role in the telecom network .