
quán shèn
  • Whole kidney;holonephros
全肾[quán shèn]
  1. 方法:选取慢性肾功能不全肾衰竭期脾肾阳虚证患者40例,随机分为A、B两组,各20例。

    To define the therapeutic rule of chronic renal insufficiency of Yang-deficiency syndrome in spleen and kidney and also explore the mechanism . Methods : Forty patients with chronic renal insufficiency of Yang-deficiency syndrome in spleen and kidney are randomly divided into two groups , each twenty cases .

  2. 小白鼠全肾切片对~3H-GABA摄取的研究

    Study on mouse whole kidney segment to the ~ 3H - GABA uptake

  3. 全肾血管走行正常;

    All vessels of the kidney were normal .

  4. 目的应用超声造影探讨犬急性心功能不全肾血流变化。

    Objective To investigate the changes of the renal blood flow ( RBF ) in dogs with acute cardiac insufficiency ( ACI ) by contrast-enhanced ultrasound ( CEU ) .

  5. 传统上处置常常仅是严密观察,而全肾切除或部分肾切除是用于大量肾动脉出血或复杂肾内动脉瘤;

    The traditional management of an IPRAA is simply close observation , and a nephrectomy or partial nephrectomy is reserved for overt renal artery rupture and complex intra-renal aneurysms .

  6. 按肾实质内低回声区或无回声区占全肾实质的比例,将40例42只结核肾的声像图分三组:1组,<25%,6只肾;

    According to the proportion of low or absence sonolucent areas of the renal parenchyma , the sonograms of 42 renal tuberculosis patients were classified into three group ; Group 1 involvement < 25 % , 6 kidneys ;

  7. 目的探讨心脏再同步治疗(CRT)对严重左心功能不全患者肾功能的影响。

    Objective To appraise the influence of resynchronization therapy ( CRT ) on renal function in patients with severe left heart dysfunction .

  8. 结果无肾功不全者肾锥体未能获得满意三维立体图像,而伴有急性肾功能衰竭的HFRS通过三维重建后,肾锥体扩大,清晰、可见,呈蜂窝样改变,并对肾皮质产生压迹。

    Results No satisfactory 3-D stereoscopic images were found in the renal pyramids of the c group , whereas the images of HFRS patients were clear and showed enlarged and alveolate renal pyramids with renal cortex compression marks .

  9. 目的报道6例肾发育不全所致肾血管性高血压。

    Objective To report hypertension caused by congenital renal dysplasia .

  10. 肾弥漫性病变,慢性肾功能不全,肾囊肿可以治么?

    Diffuse renal disease , chronic renal insufficiency , renal cyst can cure ?

  11. 心功能不全患者肾移植手术的麻醉管理

    The anesthesia of renal transplantation of patients with heart failure and end-stage renal failure

  12. 伴肾功能不全者肾功能均恢复正常。

    The renal functions all returned to normal .

  13. 氯沙坦钾(科素亚)糖尿病肾病伴慢性肾功能不全患者肾功能的影响

    Effect of losartan potassium on renal function of the NIDDM hypertensive patients with chronic renal failure

  14. 静脉滴注右旋糖酐铁注射液治疗慢性肾功能不全伴肾性贫血的临床疗效

    Clinical effects of intravenous iron dextran for the treatment of renal anemia concomitant with chronic renal failure

  15. 中医辨证治疗糖尿病肾病肾功能不全的肾功能指标疗效和证候疗效评价

    Evaluation of curative effects of Chinese medical therapies on renal function and symptoms of renal failure of diabetic nephropathy

  16. 初步分析了11例外伤性截瘫合并耳聋患者,指出外伤性截瘫多有慢性肾功能不全、肾性贫血等并发症。

    This paper reports 11 cases of deafness in traumatic paraplegic patients . The causes of this complication were analyzed .

  17. 本病多见于成年人,发病率较高,随着疾病进行性发展,常会进入肾功能不全甚至肾功能衰竭阶段,预后差。

    With the progressive development of disease , it often becomes worse and falls into the renal insufficiency , even the stage of renal failure .

  18. 当这些频率用于电磁辐射对器官的影响,可能会导致急性心功能不全,肾功能衰竭或行为不当。

    When this frequency is used to affect the organ with E-field radiation this may cause acute cardiac decompensation , renal failure or inadequate behavior .

  19. 有人把肾功能不全和肾功能衰竭等同,又有人把肾功能衰竭、氮质血症、尿毒症等同。

    Somebody does not fail kidney function with kidney function completely be equal , somebody is equal disease of qualitative blood of kidney function exhaustion , nitrogen , uremia .

  20. 接受Dig治疗的八位慢性心功能不全病人,肾功能不全与正常者的血清Dig游离/总浓度比率分别为63.5±4.7%、75.1±3.9%(P<0.01)。

    The ratio of free / total digoxin in chronic cardiac insufficiency patients with renal dysfunction was lower than that in patients with normal kidneys ( 63.5 + 4.7 % vs 75.1 + 3.9 % , P < 0.01 ) .

  21. 造影剂对慢性肾功能不全患者的肾毒性

    A prospective study of contrast nephrotoxicity in patients with chronic renal failure

  22. P-P42/p44在慢性肾功能不全大鼠肾组织表达特征及其作用

    Expression and role of p-p42 / p44 MAPK in rats with CRF

  23. 成年心脏病人围术期肾脏功能不全和急性肾功能衰竭的综合治疗

    Perioperative Management of Renal Disfunction and Acute Renal Failure in Adult Patient Undergoing Cardiac Surgery

  24. 输尿管不全梗阻致肾积水动物模型的建立及肾功能的影像学评估

    Establishment of Animal Models of Partial Obstructive Hydronephrosis and Advancement of Imaging in Evaluating Renal Function

  25. 应用两维彩色多普勒超声探讨慢性肾功能不全程度与肾血流动力学变化的关系

    Relation in Degree of Chronic Renal Failure and Renal Hemodynamic Changes Studied by 2-D Color Doppler Sonography

  26. 多器官功能不全合并急性肾损伤患者连续性血液净化预后的多因素分析

    Prognosis factors analysis on continuous renal replacement therapy of multiple dysfunction syndrome complicated with acute kidney injury

  27. 目的:探讨发育不全的上肾段或异位肾伴输尿管开口异位的定位诊断和治疗。

    Purpose : To study the diagnosis and treatment of ectopic opening of ureter with agenesis or ectopic kidney .

  28. 分析高血压合并肾功能不全病人的肾功能不全形成原因及血压不达标的影响因素。

    The causes of renal insufficiency were analysed and the influencing factors for failure in lowering the blood pressure to normal were discussed .

  29. 但D和I等位基因频率在肾功能不全组和肾功能正常组无显著差异。

    But the D and I allele frequencies in the renal dysfunction group and the normal renal function group is no significant differences . 8 .

  30. 目的探讨犬急性心功能不全状态下肾动脉血流和肾微血管床血流灌注的改变及血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂对其影响。

    Objective To investigate the changes and the effects of captopril on the renal blood flow and microvascular perfusion in dogs with acute cardiac insufficiency .