
  1. 公共服务社会化对行政组织文化创新的影响

    The Influence of Public Service Socialization on the Innovation of Administrative Culture

  2. 当前我国推行公共服务社会化的途径选择

    Current Proper Choice on the Methods of Making Public Service Socialized in our Country

  3. 公共服务社会化初探

    Studies on Socialization of Public Services

  4. 经济全球化和“政府再造”运动的发展,公共服务社会化、市场化已成为一种不可逆转的历史趋势。

    Economic globalization and the sport " government makes again ", it has become a kind of not reversible historical tendency that turns that public service socialization and market melt .

  5. 公共服务社会化实质是政府收缩公共服务范围,将原来由政府承担的一些公共服务职能大量的转移给非政府公共组织和私人部门。

    In essence , the socialization of public service means diminishing the functions of government in public service and transferring some of its functions to non - government organiztions and private sectors .

  6. 公共服务的社会化是一种全新的施政方式。

    Socialization of public service is an entirely new sort of administration fashion .

  7. 当代中国公共服务的社会化改革研究

    On the Socialization of Public Services in Contemporary China

  8. 论公共服务的社会化和市场化

    Discuss market and the socialization of public service

  9. 政府通过打破政府垄断地位,引入市场机制,将原来由政府承担的部分社会、经济职能推向社会、市场,实现公共服务职能的社会化。

    The governments import market mechanism by breaking governments ' forestall station and put parts of social and economic functions which were originally charged with the governments to the society and markets in order to realize the socialization of functions of commonality service .

  10. 公共服务是公共行政的理论研究和现实实践都极为关注的问题,而公共服务的社会化则是我国改革以来推进公共服务改革和创新的重要体现。

    Public service is public administration theory development and current our country in the process of practice are extremely concerned problems , public service socialization is since the 1990s China to promote public service reform important expression .