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  • conjugated diene
  1. 溶剂极性的经验参数ET在共轭二烯烃阴离子聚合中的应用

    Application of Transition Energy ( E_T ) as Solvent polarity Parameter in Anionic Polymerization of Conjugated Diene

  2. 以过氧化值(POV)、共轭二烯型氢过氧化物含量和脂肪酸相对含量的变化为指标研究了鱼油在不同体系中的氧化稳定性。

    The oxidative stability of fish oil in different systems was studied by using peroxide value ( POV ), conjugated diene hydroperoxide content and fatty acids content as indexes .

  3. 路易氏碱及其过渡态能ET在共轭二烯烃的阴离子聚合中的应用。

    Application of Lewis Base and its Transition Energy ( E_T ) in anionic polym , of conjugated dienes .

  4. 土木香内酯和异土木香内酯与共轭二烯的Diels-Alder反应

    Diels-Alder Reaction of Alantolactone and Iso (?) lantolactone with Conjugated Dienes

  5. 结果表明,在染尘后7、15天丹参组肺泡巨噬细胞MDA的含量和共轭二烯的含量均低于石英尘组,以后二者逐渐接近,和正常对照组无差异。

    The results showed that the level of MDA of alveolar macrophages in Danshen group during the 7 th and 15 th days after instillation was significantly lower than those in quartz group .

  6. 结果:松花粉乙醇提取液具有较好的自由基链式反应阻断剂的作用,有效地推迟人血浆中低密度脂蛋白(LDL)氧化生成共轭二烯。

    Results : Pollen ethanol extract had perfect inhibitory effect on free redical chain reaction , delaying diene conjugation formation in isolated LDL particles from human blood .

  7. 皮兹托伊亚PISTORINA:共轭二烯之均聚合或共聚合与聚合物掺合物之原位形成的方法以及由其制得之产物。

    Process for homo-or copolymerization of conjugated dienes and in situ formation of polymer blends and products made thereby .

  8. 综合分析MC-DBPs的生成机制,不难发现MC主要经历Adda共轭二烯双键加成反应和部分初级产物的脱水反应。

    With a comprehensive analysis of MC-DBP formation mechanism , it was not difficult to find MCs mainly subjected to the the addition reaction of Adda conjugated diene and dehydration reaction of some secondary products .

  9. 方法连续5d给小鼠灌胃蜀五加皮乙醇提取物,测定肝脏组织过氧化产物含量,包括巴比妥酸-反应物质(TBA-RS)、共轭二烯和老年脂褐素。

    Methods : Five-days successive ig administration of ASE to mice and then to determined lipid peroxidation products such as thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances ( TBA-RS ), conjugated dienes and fluorescent products in the liver tissue of mice in vivo .

  10. 立体选择性和区域选择性地合成共轭二烯是有机合成中十分有意义的研究课题。

    Highly stereoselective syntheses of conjugated alkadiene are important subject .

  11. 共轭二烯烃对催化裂化汽油安定性的影响

    Effect of Di olefin ers on the Stability of the FCC Gasoline

  12. 用于选择性氢化共轭二烯聚合物的茂金属催化体系研究进展

    Researching progress of metallocene catalysts applied in selective hydrogenating conjugated diene polymers

  13. 共轭二烯烃溶液聚合连续搅拌塔式反应器的研究&流动模型

    Study on continuous stirred column reactor for dienes solution polymerization & flow model

  14. 给电子试剂在共轭二烯或炔烃催化选择加氢中的作用

    Role of Electron Donors on the Selective Hydrogenation of Conjugated Dienes or Alkyne

  15. 共轭二烯烃含量的多少可以用二烯值来表示。

    The content of the conjugate dienes can be expressed with the diene number .

  16. 昆虫性信息素共轭二烯的合成进展

    Synthetic Methods of Insect Sex Pheromones Conjugated Alkadiene

  17. 共轭二烯烃在醚化条件下的聚合

    Polymerization of Conjugated Dienes under Etherification Conditions

  18. 结果表明,反应温度、空速和醇烯物质的量比对共轭二烯烃聚合反应有较大影响。

    It is found that temperature , space velocity , and methanol / inhibiter have major influence on the polymerization of conjugated dienes .

  19. 与开链共轭二烯烃作用没能得到环加成产物,却高产率地得到α,α′-二溴代烷基酮自身偶合产物环戊烯酮衍生物。2-取代-环戊烯酮及其衍生物的简易合成

    In the case of chain 1,3-dienes , only the coupling product of 1a was obtained . A Facile Synthesis of 2-Substituted Cyclopentenone and Their Derivatives

  20. 为研究如何减少上述共轭二烯信息素成分中的几何构型异构化和氧化的发生,作者制备了几种不同剂型的诱芯并进行了田间诱蛾试验。

    To reduce isomerization and oxidation of above conjugated diene compounds , pheromone baits of different formulations and substrates were made and tested for their trapping efficiency in the field .

  21. 由于其分子中含有共轭二烯,可以发生取代、加成、环化和聚合等反应,使得其在合成橡胶和有机合成等方面具有广泛的用途。

    Substitution reaction , addition reaction , cyclization reaction and polymerization reaction can be conducted because of the conjugated double bond involved in its molecule , and therefore it is widely used in synthetic rubber and organic synthesis .

  22. 柴油中含有某些不饱和烃,特别是共轭二烯烃、环烷、芳香烃类等不安定组分的种类越多及含量越高,就越容易发生吸氧氧化反应,安定性能或质量下降越明显。

    The more the types of unstable constituents , such as unsaturated hydrocarbons , especially conjugated dienes , arenes and so on , and the higher the unstable constituent contents in diesel fuel , the more easily the oxygen absorption reaction takes place .

  23. 当两者可生成共轭体系时,应具有共轭二烯烃的反应特性。

    When they both can produce conjugative effect , they have the reaction characteristic of conjugated diene .

  24. 一个含有高度共轭配体的铂(Ⅱ)配合物的结构和光物理性质(英文)立体选择性和区域选择性地合成共轭二烯是有机合成中十分有意义的研究课题。

    A Novel Structure and Photophysics of Pt (ⅱ) Complex Containing Highly Conjugated 1,10-Phenanthroline Ligand Highly stereoselective syntheses of conjugated alkadiene are important subject .