
  • 网络Dartmouth;dartmouth college;Tuck
  1. 职场友谊总体利大于弊新罕布什尔州汉诺威市达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)的心理学和脑科学副教授塔利亚•惠特利(ThaliaWheatley)对职场友谊进行了研究。他说,研究表明,发生这种情况时,你的大脑有一种应对方式。

    Thalia Wheatley , associate professor of psychological and brain sciences at Dartmouth College in Hanover , New Hampshire , who has done research on work friendships , says that studies suggest your brain has a way of coping when this happens .

  2. CORe将对加州大学伯克利分校和达特茅斯学院塔克商学院等学校的本科生暑期商业课程构成直接威胁。

    CORe more directly competes with summer business programs for undergraduate students from schools like UC-Berkeley and Dartmouth College 's Tuck School of Business .

  3. 他发现,达特茅斯学院(dartmouthcollege)学生的室友基本上是随机分配的。

    He realised that students at Dartmouth College had roommates assigned largely at random .

  4. 一个较早的例子是1954年的一项研究,内容是有关人们如何看达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)和普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity)之间的一场大学橄榄球赛。

    One early demonstration of this was a 1954 study of the way people perceived a college-football game between Dartmouth and Princeton .

  5. 58岁的杰夫•伊梅尔特执掌通用电气(GeneralElectric)之前,在达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)橄榄球二队培养了自己的领导能力。

    Before Jeff Immelt , 58 , headed General Electric GE 0.99 % , he got his chops as a leader of Dartmouth College 's JV football team .

  6. 由于它的支撑行业不断增长,这门生意一直非常健康,达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)塔克商学院(TuckSchoolofBusiness)院长保罗?达诺斯解释说。

    It has been a very healthy business because of the growth in the underlying industry , explains Paul Danos , dean of Dartmouth College 's Tuck School of Business .

  7. (GeneralMotorsInstitute,现更名为凯特林大学[KetteringUniversity])、堪萨斯大学(UniversityofKansas)、密苏里大学圣路易斯分校(UniversityofMissouri,St.Louis)和达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)。

    the General Motors Institute ( now called Kettering University ) ; the University of Kansas ; the University of Missouri , St. Louis ; and Dartmouth College .

  8. 耶鲁大学和达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth)录取的美国学生下降了24%。

    At Yale and Dartmouth , the decline has been 24 percent .

  9. 作为公共卫生专家、达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)前校长,金墉成为首位具备发展事务背景的世行行长。

    Dr Kim , a public health expert and former president of Dartmouth College , becomes the first World Bank leader with a background in development .

  10. 34岁的杜加尔在新德里出生,在新罕布什尔州的达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)学过商科。他也是在那里第一次喝到手工精酿啤酒。

    Born in New Delhi , 34-year-old Mr. Dugar studied business at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire-where he also had his first taste of craft beer .

  11. 鲁梅娜说,企业界或许希望达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)塔克商学院(TuckSchoolofBusiness)的维杰o戈文达拉扬分享他在创新和战略领域的专长,他的演讲费上限为5.5万美元。

    Companies may want Vijay Govindarajan from Dartmouth College 's Tuck School of Business , whose speeches draw fees up to $ 55000 , for his expertise on innovation and strategy , Rumena says .

  12. 据达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)和其它方面的估计,美国每年要在无助于提高人民健康水平的医疗项目上,支出约7000亿美元。

    Based on estimates by Dartmouth College and others , the US spends about $ 700bn ( 428bn , 505bn ) a year on healthcare that does nothing to improve Americans ' health outcomes .

  13. 结果“比我设想的更有说服力”。帕金森和来自达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)的同事塔利娅·惠特利(ThaliaWheatley)、亚当·M·克莱伯恩(AdamM.Kleinbaum)在《自然通讯》(NatureCommunications)上报告了他们的研究结果。

    The results " were more persuasive than I would have thought . " Parkinson and her colleagues , Thalia Wheatley and Adam M. Kleinbaum of Dartmouth College , reported their results in Nature Communications .

  14. 随后他又在塔夫斯大学(Tufts)、杜兰大学(Tulane)和达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth)发表演说,还计划今年秋天为一个联合国团体做报告。

    Fastow has also spoken at Tufts , Tulane , and Dartmouth and is scheduled to address a United Nations group in the fall .

  15. 达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)经济学教授、前英国央行货币政策委员会委员戴维布兰奇福劳(DavidBlanchflower)表示:我认为经济正在企稳,我认为这说得通。

    I think there is a stabilising , I think that makes sense , said David Blanchflower , professor of economics at Dartmouth College and a former member of the Bank of England 's monetary policy committee .

  16. WHO前高级官员、美国达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)现任院长吉姆金(JimKim)表示:陈冯富珍刚来的时候,出席会议,记笔记,是这个机构的一个非常用功的学生。

    Jim Kim , a former senior WHO colleague who is now president at Dartmouth College in the US , says : When Margaret first came , she attended meetings , took notes and was an extremely devoted student of the institution .

  17. JasmineHe是达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)塔克商学院(TuckSchoolofBusiness)的MBA二年级生,她说她当初就没指望自己在短短几天时间内就能适应下来,因为她在参与课堂交流以及与招聘者闲聊时都有些吃力。

    Jasmine He , a second-year M.B.A. student at Dartmouth College 's Tuck School of Business , says she would have liked more than just a few days to adjust , as she struggled to join in classroom exchanges and conduct small talk with recruiters .

  18. 博尼诺和美国达特茅斯学院(dartmouthcollege)比较文学主任格拉齐耶拉帕拉蒂(graziellaparati)表示,意大利女权运动曾非常有影响,但现在不是了。

    Italian feminism , say Bonino and Graziella PARATI , head of comparative literature at Dartmouth College in the US , used to be strong , but not any more .

  19. 达特茅斯学院招生主任卡尔•弗斯滕伯格(KarlFurstenberg)表示:美国大学的教学质量吸引了外国学生到美国就读。该校外国申请人数增加了10%。

    International students are attracted to US schools because of the quality of the educational experience , said Karl Furstenberg , dean of admissions at Dartmouth , where foreign applications rose 10 per cent .

  20. 这位父亲当年上的是达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth),当他的儿子宣布自己在申请维克森林大学的提前录取时,他问:你确定自己进不了更好的学校吗?

    The father went to Dartmouth , and when their son announced that he was applying for early decision at Wake Forest , his father asked , Are you sure you couldn 't do better ?

  21. 达特茅斯学院案及其对美国高等教育的影响

    The Dartmouth College Case and Its Influence on American Higher Education

  22. 却得到巨大荣誉被委以达特茅斯学院院长一职

    I was given the enormous honor of becoming President of Dartmouth College

  23. 19世纪美国达特茅斯学院案及其影响

    On the Dartmouth College Case of American History in the 19th Century and its Influence

  24. 我只有很少的学术管理经验,却担任了达特茅斯学院的院长。

    And with only minimal experience in academic administration , I became President of Dartmouth College .

  25. 凯伦是达特茅斯学院写作与修辞协会的执行董事。

    Karen is executive director of courses in the Institute for Writing and Rhetoric at Dartmouth College .

  26. 另一突破是在2000年中,达特茅斯学院的格林同意出任公司伦理咨询委员会的负责人。

    Another breakthrough came in mid-2000 , when Dartmouth 's Green agreed to head ACT 's ethics advisory board .

  27. 达特茅斯学院与达特茅斯希契科克医疗中心均位于汉诺威,是地区的最大的雇主和经济发动机。

    Dartmouth College and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center , both located in Hanover , are the region 's largest employers and economic engines .

  28. 第三部分主要介绍了达特茅斯学院设立的灵活多样的获赠形式,吸引了社会各界对其进行捐赠。

    Part three is the presentation of how Dartmouth College attracts social donations by its flexible and multiple forms of donation policy .

  29. 在财富周刊的分析中,威斯康星大学比很多排名更好的大学做得好,比如像斯坦福大学,达特茅斯学院和西北大学。

    In the Fortune analysis , Wisconsin finished ahead of highly ranked schools like Stanford University , Dartmouth College , and Northwestern University .

  30. 同样,达特茅斯学院和威廉姆斯学院宣布,其无贷款政策仅限于收入最低的学生。

    Similarly , Dartmouth and Williams announced that their no-loan policy would be limited to students at the lowest end of the income-distribution scale .