
  • 网络dammam;dammann;Damman
  1. 从理论上分析论证了基于正弦光栅、朗奇光栅、达曼光栅和空间光调制器多重成像的可行性,从实验上测试验证了多重成像的准确性。

    The feasibly of multiple imaging based on sinusoidal grating , Ronchi grating , Damman grating and SLM is demonstrated not only by theoretical analysis but also by experimental verification .

  2. 这名男婴出生在捷特航空一班从沙特阿拉伯达曼飞往印度科钦的客机上。

    The baby boy was born on a Jet Airways flight travelling from Dammam in Saudi Arabia to Kochi .

  3. 本文作者埃里克•J•达曼博士是一名临床心理学家和心理分析学家,在曼哈顿拥有一家私人诊所。

    Eric J.Dammann , Ph.D.is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst with a private practice in Manhattan .

  4. 私营品牌拓展公司达曼国际咨询(DaymonWorldwide)的消费者洞见和战略副总裁弗吉尼亚·莫里斯(VirginiaMorris)指出,消费者正在寻求独一无二的体验,包括个性化的咖啡制作工艺。

    Virginia Morris , vice president for consumer insights and strategy at Daymon Worldwide , a private-brand development company , noted that consumers were seeking singular experiences that would include individualistic brews .

  5. 尚达曼(TharmanShanmugaratnam),新加坡财长兼IMF政策咨询委员会主任,因其技术及政治技巧而备受推崇。

    Tharman Shanmugaratnam , Singapore 's finance minister and head of the IMF 's policy advisory committee , is widely admired for his technical and political skills .

  6. 由Hi-Net台阵成像得出的2004年苏门答腊-安达曼地震的范围、持续时间和速度

    Extent , duration and speed of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake imaged by the Hi-Net array

  7. 新加坡财政部长尚达曼(TharmanShanmugaratnam)在其预算讲话中表示:我们已为未来设定了新的方向。

    We have set new directions for the future , said Singapore finance minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam in his budget address .

  8. 达曼(Dammann)光栅作为一种常用的分束器件,在光互连、光通信、光计算和多重成像等领域已广泛应用。

    As a common device which can separate beam of light , Dammann grating has been used in the fields of light interlinkage , light communication , light calculation , multi-imaging and so on .

  9. 这位名叫波阿的老妇是会说波族语的最后一人,也是大安达曼部落年龄最大的成员,安达曼卫生部副主任R.C.卡尔上周五接受记者采访时称。

    Boa Sr , the85-year-old last speaker of " Bo ," was the oldest member of the Great Andamanese tribe , R.C.Kar , deputy director of Tribal Health in Andaman , told reporters on Friday .

  10. 新加坡财政部长尚达曼(TharmanShanmugaratnam)向英国《金融时报》表示,这些措施似乎正产生一些效果,但尚不清楚是否需要进一步行动。

    Tharman Shanmugaratnam , Singapore 's finance minister , told the Financial Times that these measures appeared to be having some effect , but it was not clear whether further action was needed .

  11. 2009年8月10日安达曼地震破裂过程快速反演

    Fast inversion of the rupture process of 2009 August 10 Andaman earthquake

  12. 不等间距达曼型滤波器的飞秒脉冲时空变换整形与识别技术

    Femtosecond Pulse Shaping of Unequally-Spaced Space-Time Conversion and Recognition Technique with Dammann-Type Filter

  13. 现在,这只已经退休的大家伙在安达曼岛上从事拉木材这种工作已经30年了。

    The now retired pachyderm hauled timber in the Andaman Islands for30 years .

  14. 缅甸安达曼群岛上,一位莫肯族人手里展示了两枚大货贝。

    Moken tribesman in Myanmar 's Andaman Islands displays two large cowrie shells .

  15. 全球地震台网记录苏门答腊-安达曼特大地震

    Global seismographic network records the great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake

  16. 安达曼弧段强震与中国大陆西部强震相关性的讨论

    Discussion on the relation of strong EARTH-QUAKES between Andaman arcuate zone and China western continent

  17. 分析了偶数点阵达曼光栅的设计原理与特性。

    The design method and features of even-numbered Dammann gratings are presented in this paper .

  18. 加洛瓦人是至今依然勉强生存在安达曼群岛上的四个古老黑人部落中的一个。

    The Jarawa are one of four ancient Negroid tribes barely surviving on the Andamans .

  19. 卡尔称,波族语是大安达曼部落使用的十种语言之一。

    Kar said Bo was one of the ten dialects used by the Great Andamanese tribe .

  20. 马来西亚海域安达曼海多环芳烃的百年沉积记录

    Over One Hundred Year Sedimentary Record of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Andaman Sea , Malaysia

  21. 安达曼弧与缅甸、云南强震相关性研究

    Relativity Study between the Andaman Arc and the Strong Earthquakes in Myanmar and Yunnan , China

  22. 他告诉劳伦斯修士说,因为天候恶劣的关系,他无法到达曼图鄂。

    He told Friar Laurence that he had not been able to reach Mantua because the weather was so bad .

  23. 那天早上他被蝰蛇咬到脚后,就直接送到了安达曼。

    After a bandy bite on the foot early that morning , he is being taken straight to the Jaddaman .

  24. 达曼是最大的城市,东方省;达曼港是最大的波斯湾。

    Dammam is the largest city in the Eastern Province ; Dammam Port is the largest on the Persian Gulf .

  25. 利用这种方法,本文分析了2004年苏门答腊&安达曼MW9.3地震的时空破裂过程。

    By the improved linear inversion method , we analysised the rupture process of the 2004 Sumatra & Andaman M_W9.3 earthquake .

  26. 美国和英国等国家装载紧急救援物资的军舰停泊正在安达曼海上。

    Several naval vessels including those from the United States and Britain are in the Andaman Sea with emergency assistance on board .

  27. 结果表明两区强震活动存在较强的相关性,近期安达曼弧段强震活跃态势将会对大陆西部未来1年及稍长时段的强震活动产生深远的影响。

    The result shows that the strong earthquakes in China Western Continent is related to the strong earthquakes in Andaman arcuate zone .

  28. 载有净水等物资的美国海军军舰仍然在缅甸海岸外的安达曼海上候命。

    Also standing by are U.S.Navy ships loaded with purified water and other supplies off the Burmese coast in the Andaman Sea .

  29. 由海军第一批和第二批护航编队一同护航的6艘商船,当地时间15日上午顺利到达曼德海峡东部海域。

    The6 ships under the convoy of the first and second convoy fleet finally arrived at Mandeb strait on the morning of15th .

  30. 缅甸的港口城市毛淡棉位于安达曼群海的东南部,曾经是殖民时期缅甸孟省的省会。

    This is Moulmein , a port town and the colonial-era capital of Burma 's Mon state , on the south-eastern Andaman coast .