
  • 网络dacheng railway
  1. 达成铁路工务信息采集与基于GIS的工务查询系统建立

    A GIS-based Information Querying System for Railroad Public Facilities

  2. 本文着重对达成铁路修建原因、修建和运营模式、意义等问题进行初步探讨。

    This article does researches into the cause of constructing the Dazhou-Chengdu railway , the mode of its construction and management and its significance .

  3. 并根据提出的理论进行了实例应用,对已建成运营的达成铁路进行水土保持后评价,提出了较为有价值的结论与建议,在以后的项目中供有关部门决策与实施。

    According to the proposed theory , practical application , reach a railway line has been put into operation , soil and water conservation evaluation , more valuable conclusions and recommendations for the relevant departments of the decision-making and implementation in future projects .