
  • 网络iranian nuclear issue;the iran nuclear issue;Nuclear program of Iran
  1. 伊朗核问题是核武器扩散历史上的重要环节。

    Iran nuclear issue is an important step of nuclear weapons proliferation .

  2. 伊朗核问题英语新闻报道的态度分析

    An Analysis of Attitudes in Reports of Iran Nuclear Issue

  3. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)公开倡导采用外交手段解决伊朗核问题,大力反对“贸然发起战争”。

    Barack Obama has brought the case for diplomacy into the open , speaking powerfully against a " rush to war " .

  4. 从伊朗核问题看美欧分歧

    The Conflict of US and Europe Union in Iranian Nuclear Issue

  5. 当前,伊朗核问题形势进入一个新的关键阶段。

    The Iranian nuclear issue has reached a new crucial stage .

  6. 中国关于全面解决伊朗核问题的五点主张

    Chinas Five Principles for a Comprehensive Solution of the Iranian Nuclear Issue

  7. 伊朗核问题:以色列的困境与选择

    Iran 's Nuclear Issue : Israel 's Dilemma and Options

  8. 汪文斌表示,中国高度重视伊朗核问题。

    Wang says China attaches great significance to the Iranian nuclear issue .

  9. 各方围绕着伊朗核问题开展的一场外交博弈早已拉开了帷幕。

    All around the Iranian nuclear issue has long begun a diplomatic game .

  10. 欧盟介入伊朗核问题政策评估

    Evaluation of EU 's Policy on Iran Nuclear Problem

  11. 目前伊朗核问题有所升温,遇到了一些困难。

    The Iranian nuclear issue is currently escalated and the situation becomes difficult .

  12. 欧盟主动介入解决伊朗核问题,作为直接交涉的一方被予以重任。

    EU takes the initiative as a direct part to solve this problem .

  13. 这一言论是否会影响到中方在伊朗核问题上的立场?

    Will this statement affect China 's position on the Iranian nuclear issue ?

  14. 试析印度在伊朗核问题中的平衡外交

    India 's Balancing Diplomacy in Iranian Nuclear Issues

  15. 伊朗核问题与大国关系

    Iran 's Nuclear Issue and Great Power Relations

  16. 中方已重申致力于和平解决伊朗核问题。

    China has reaffirmed its commitment to peaceful resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue .

  17. 伊朗核问题及其走势

    The Iran Nuclear Issue and Its Tendencies

  18. 伊朗核问题剖析

    An Analysis on the Iranian Nuclear Issue

  19. 伊朗核问题全面协议谈判的新期限达成。

    A new deadline has been set for the completion of an Iranian nuclear deal .

  20. 在采访中,他批评美国总统乔治·布什操纵国际社会对伊朗核问题的处理方法。

    S.President George W.Bush 's handling of the international response to Iran 's nuclear program .

  21. 我们希望各方继续通过外交谈判妥善解决伊朗核问题。

    We hope that parties involved continue to do so in seeking a diplomatic solution .

  22. 似乎针对伊朗核问题提出的建议陷入僵局。

    Well , it looks like a d nuclear deal with Iran is a no-go .

  23. 伊朗核问题集中反映了伊朗与美国的矛盾与冲突。

    Iranian Nuclear Issue highlights the contradiction and conflict between Iran and the United States .

  24. 美国对伊态度的新变化&对伊朗核问题报道的积极话语分析

    America 's New Attitude towards Iran & Positive Discourse Analysis of the Iran Nuclear Issue

  25. 三方还讨论了伊朗核问题、叙利亚和利比亚局势等问题。

    They also discussed the Iranian nuclear issue and the situations in Syria and Libya .

  26. 关于伊朗核问题,中方的立场是一贯的、明确的。

    On the Iranian nuclear issue , China 's position has been consistent and unequivocal .

  27. 论美俄在伊朗核问题上的战略竞争与合作

    On Strategic Competition and Cooperation between the United States and Russia on Iran ' sNuclear Issue

  28. 双方还就伊朗核问题、南极海洋保护等问题交换了意见。

    The two sides also exchanged views on the Iranian nuclear issue and Antarctic marine protection .

  29. 双方担忧地注意到伊朗核问题的最新动向。

    The two sides noted with concern the latest developments with regard to the Iranian nuclear issue .

  30. 刘在一个常规的新闻界会议上反复重申中国坚持和平解决伊朗核问题的立场。

    He reiterated China 's position of insisting on a peaceful solution to the Iranian nuclear issue .