
  • 网络itami;ITM;Edam;Edan
  1. “伊丹奶酪:一种味淡色黄的荷兰奶酪,被压缩成球状,外面常涂有红蜡.”

    " Edam : a mild , yellow Dutch cheese , pressed into balls and usually covered with red wax . "

  2. 2007年,中国国有汽车企业奇瑞(Chery)和以色列控股集团(IsraelCorp)合资成立了观致汽车。该以色列集团由伦敦亿万富翁伊丹•奥佛(IdanOfer)控股,奥佛还曾担任现已倒闭的电动车企业BetterPlace的董事长。

    Qoros was set up in 2007 as a joint venture between Chery , a state-owned Chinese carmaker , and Israel Corp , a conglomerate controlled by Idan Ofer , a London-based billionaire .

  3. 罕见的洞穴珠充满了韩松洞内伊丹花园附近干枯的梯塘。

    Rare cave pearls fill dried-out terrace pools near the Garden of Edam in Hang Son Doong .

  4. 扎伊丹表示,二人称他们家乡扎维耶发生的暴力事件应由扎伊丹来负责。

    Zeidan says the men blamed him for the violence taking place in their home city of Zawiya .