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  1. 美国加强教师教育实践性的经验与启示&以伊利诺伊州立大学为例

    The Practical Orientation of Teacher Education in the Unite States & A Case Study of the Teacher Educational Program at Illinois State University

  2. 现任伊利诺伊州立大学消息系统帮理教授的沃尔夫说,不断以来,零售商们都采用先试再买的策略。

    Retailers have been using the try-then-buy tactic for years , said Wolf , who is now an assistant professor of information systems at Illinois State University .

  3. “全世界都处在一种肥胖瘟疫中,”伊利诺伊州立大学化学系主任理查德·迪马奇说,他同时也是这个研究团队的带头人。

    " There 's a global epidemic of obesity ," said Richard DiMarchi , chair of the chemistry department at Indiana University in Bloomington and the study 's lead researcher .

  4. 俄亥俄州立大学与伊利诺伊州立大学的学者进行了一项研究,结果表明,把商品拿在手里几分钟可能会让人更想购买。

    According to research conducted by scientists at Ohio State University and Illinois State University , holding an item for just a few minutes could make someone more likely to buy something .