
  • 网络irina;elina
  1. 阿拉斯泰:是个刚出道的年轻钢琴家,来自捷克共和国,叫伊琳娜。杜布切克。

    Alastair : a new , young pianist from the Czech Republic called Irina dubcek .

  2. 讽刺的是,伊琳娜本人被派来帮助防守那个她曾经逃出的公国。

    As irony would have it , Irina has been called upon to defend the Duchy of the husband she fled .

  3. 但是伊琳娜不是美国的合法居民。

    But Elena is not a legal citizen of the U.S.

  4. 她安排何塞和伊琳娜收养山姆。

    She arranged for Jose and Elena to adopt Sam.

  5. 1977年,刚从哈佛大学毕业的伊琳娜.派珀博格做了一件很大胆的事。

    In1977 Irene Pepperberg , a recent graduate of Harvard University , did something very bold .

  6. 而在2002年她又雇用了伊琳娜。

    And she hired Elena in2002 .

  7. 伊琳娜宁愿死也不要像这个暴君道歉,但是她被桑铎救了出来,并且一路逃往翡翠洋东南的群岛中。

    But she was freed by Sandor , and they both escaped to the south-eastern islands of the Jade Ocean .

  8. 伊琳娜明白,仅仅是摧毁了盖尔哈特的贸易站并不代表自己已经摆脱了这位大公。

    Irina knows that the destruction of the Gerhart 's trading post still does not mean that she is rid of the Duke .

  9. 伊琳娜?罗杰在阿根廷有着一段成功的表演生涯,回到伦敦后,她在西区剧院主演了埃维塔这一著名角色。

    After a successful career in Argentina , actress Elena Roger came to London to star in the role of Evita in the West End theatre district of London .

  10. 在发觉自己已经怀上了盖尔哈特的骨肉之后,伊琳娜更加强烈的想要获取力量和权力,不仅仅是为了保护她自己,更是为了保护这个孩子。

    Having discovered that she is also pregnant from Gerhart 's brutality , Irina is determined more than ever to gain strength and power that will assure not only her own protection , but that of the child .

  11. 但联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜.博科娃说,她希望巴勒斯坦的成员身份会为中东和平铺路。

    Washington has suspended its funding to the UN agency , arguing only a peace treaty can establish an internationally recognized Palestinian state . But UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova said she hoped the Palestinian membership would pave the way for peace in the Middle East .