
  • 网络IceSword;weaponry;Cold Steel
兵刃 [bīng rèn]
  • [weapon;arm] 指刀剑戈矛等兵器

  • 兵刃相接

  1. 接着人们便听到大门那边兵刃相交的声音。

    And then there came , from the gates , the clash of arms .

  2. 我还真有几样拿得出手的兵刃。

    I 've got some pretty cool stuff .

  3. 这些轻枪骑兵身穿皮甲,装备骑枪和单手短兵刃。

    Lightly armoured in leather and equipped with a hand weapon and a lance .

  4. 八名吴士手无兵刃,便如打败了的公鸡,垂头丧气的走开。

    The eight Wu swordmen left crestfallen , like cocks who had lost a fight .

  5. 突然间,世界超级大国和新兴强国兵刃相见。

    Suddenly , the world 's superpower and the newest great power are nose to nose .

  6. 所以,你磨好兵刃

    so you sharpen the blade ,

  7. 有时候,他们没有真的剑拔弩张,只摇动着剑,使发出兵刃之声来吓怕他人。

    Sometimes , without actually removing it from its holder , they rattle it to frighten people .

  8. 多数聪明的电影制片人都喜欢在现代电影中将十八般“兵刃”全部都用上。

    Most smart filmmakers want to parade their facility with all the tools in the modern movie box .

  9. 每一个给戒指,允许攻击一个人用一根斗牛士出版公司短兵刃。

    Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance .

  10. 我要学得全身都是武艺,十八般兵刃件件精通,所以到比起武来,这绝招很多。

    If you are bad , I learn the bad . I want to learn until I am a martial arts expert , skilled in all weapons .