
bīng zhǒng
  • arm of the services
兵种 [bīng zhǒng]
  • [arms of the services] 军种内部的分类。如:步兵;炮兵;航空兵;雷达兵等

兵种[bīng zhǒng]
  1. 本文在前人研究的基础上,对春秋时期的兵种情况进行了考述论证。

    This thesis discusses the arm of the services in the Spring and Autumn period .

  2. 这个功能我用得很多。这绝对为P族添加了先前没有的东西&它为P族带来了机动性和新的兵种相克性。

    I played with this mechanic quite a bit and it definitely adds something to the Protoss that wasn 't there before .

  3. 通用态势图(CommonOperationalPicture)是战场空间中实时态势感知的窗口,其最大特点就在于能够连通各兵种和指挥机构,实现实时态势信息的互通,从而保障联合作战。

    Common Operational Picture is the window of real-time situational awareness in battlespace , The most important feature of COP is its connect of all echelons and commands .

  4. 方法:应用TOPSIS法对西北地区不同军兵种、不同类别军队人员的6项主要卫生服务需要量指标进行综合评价。

    Methods : A comprehensive evaluation was made on six main indices of health services needs of service-specific and rank-specific military members in Northwest China with TOPSIS .

  5. 军事C3I系统由于有了超导计算机,能快速、有效地把各种武器系统、各军兵种和各战场连结成一个有机整体。

    With the superconducting computer , C3I system is able to effectively integrate into one a variety of weapon systems , arms and fields .

  6. 该方法也可推广应用到其它复杂武器系统如多军、兵种联合行动中武器系统的EMC分析和电磁加固实践中,以有效地减小或消除各友邻武器系统相互之间的EMI影响。

    This method also can be applied to EMC analysis and electromagnetic hardening practice of other complicated weapon systems , such as the multi services and arms mutually supporting weapon system to effectively reduce and eliminate EMI among friend weapon systems .

  7. 为了实现仿真模型的互操作性和重用性,采用高层体系结构(HLA)开发联合作战仿真训练系统,直接利用单兵种作战仿真训练系统的成果,提高联合作战仿真训练系统开发效率。

    This paper realizes the interoperation and its reuse between federate-based HLA training system for joint operation simulation . We prove that the program efficiency of the training system for joint operation simulation can be advanced using directly the operation simulation training system of a single arm of service .

  8. 提出了基于DIS体系结构的多兵种合同作战指挥训练模拟系统PDU标准的制定原则、类型与格式,并介绍了它们在训练子系统和战区导弹攻防对抗仿真系统中的应用

    This paper presents the principles , type and format of PDU standard in the DIS-Based Command Training & Simulation System of Air Force Multi - Arms of Services Cooperation . The application is introduced in the War Zone Missile Engagement Simulation System and Air to Ground Army Simulation subsystem

  9. TBJ-204型野战20线程控交换机是一种小型背负式模拟空分程控用户交换机,用于装备全军各兵种的作战、演习和紧急抢险等行动。

    TBJ-204 20-Line Field Telephone Exchange is a minitype backpacking analogy space division interchange PABX . It has been playing an important role in equipping all kinds of arms and services for campaigns , tactical exercises and emergent actions etc.

  10. 不同兵种军事训练伤发生特点的调查与分析

    Investigation into Features of Military Training Injury in Various Armed Services

  11. 海军兵种战术训练模拟系统建设研究

    Research on Building of the Naval Arms Tactics Simulating Training System

  12. 我们正在上军兵种知识课。

    We are studying the subject of the services and arms .

  13. 陆军航空兵是一支新兵种。

    The air unit of the army is a new branch .

  14. 第二章分别论述了兵器种类和兵种以及使用方法。

    The second chapter discusses the types and use of weapons .

  15. 他可以是海军,突击队员或者其他特殊兵种。

    He was probably a marine , Ranger or other specialized unit .

  16. 兵种集成训练技术支撑系统关键软件平台设计

    Design of Key Software Platform in Troops Integration Training Technical Supporting System

  17. 作为防御兵种,你有阔剑地雷。

    In a defensive role you have four claymore mines .

  18. 这就要求我们各军兵种必须协同作战。

    It is required that all the services and arms work together .

  19. 单兵种对多兵种作战的最优火力分配

    The Optimal Firepower Assignment in a Fight of Single-kind Arms Versus Multi-kind Arms

  20. 不同军兵种官兵的健康状况存在差异。

    There was difference in different arms of services .

  21. 单兵种对双兵种作战模型

    The War Models of Single-Service Arms Against Double-Service Arms

  22. 一般类型:地方兵种哈萨克是逐水草而居的游牧民族。

    The Kazaks are a nomadic people whose existence is centred around livestock .

  23. 女猎手的月之剑不再反弹攻击隐身兵种。

    Moon glaive bounce no longer hits invisible units .

  24. 联合作战与多军兵种协同作战的区别是什么?

    What is the difference between Joint Operation and Multi-Services and Arms Cooperation ?

  25. 新闻摄影具有新闻战线特殊兵种的独特优势,是新闻报道的重要一翼,是形象化的时代科学和纪实性的时代艺术,是党、国家和人民的耳目与喉舌。

    Photojournalism has its unique advantage and is an important part of reportage .

  26. 军队是不是需要搞那么多兵种?

    Or so many branches in the army ?

  27. 各军兵种、军区。

    All the Armed Services and Military Areas .

  28. 精英类型:封建兵种欧洲所有骑士中,诺曼骑士无疑最为威名赫赫。

    Of all the knights of Europe , the Normans are the most renowned .

  29. 一般类型:地方兵种立陶宛部队通常于波兰军中服役。

    Lithuanian troops are often recruited by Polish nobles to serve in their armies .

  30. 远程兵种只有在准备射击时才会被碰撞中断。

    Ranged troops are now stunned when bumped only if they are readying ther weapons .