
bīng yíng
  • barracks;camp;military camp;fort;Ft
兵营 [bīng yíng]
  • [military camp;barracks] 军营;军队居住的营房

兵营[bīng yíng]
  1. 恐怖分子轰炸了几处兵营。

    Terrorists bombed several army barracks .

  2. 那个兵营位于古城堡的旧址上。

    The barracks stand on the site of the old castle .

  3. 士兵们在兵营练兵场操练。

    The soldiers were at drill in the barrack-yard .

  4. 卡波司基,也可以溜到囚犯兵营b去吗?

    Ever got across to Prisoner Barrack b , kapowski ?

  5. 有些家伙被单独监禁在像是囚犯兵营b那地方。

    Some of the chaps here are confined to a separate set of barracks known as prisoner barracks B.

  6. 你不能期望士兵们住在那样的兵营里。n.信条,教条

    You can 't expect soldiers to live in a barracks like that . creed

  7. 1982年,当位于香港中环的维多利亚时代的重要兵营美利楼(murrayhouse)需要拆除,为建造70层高的中银大厦让出空间时,香港政府决定一砖一瓦地小心拆除这栋建筑。

    When Murray house , the Victorian-era barracks in central , needed to give way to build the 70-storey tall Bank of China Building in 1982 , the government decided to dismantle it brick by brick .

  8. 你要像战士一样前往这座拥有126个崭新房间的卡斯凯什古堡酒店(PousadadeCascais)——这座16世纪的城堡经过翻修后将新建的房间与历史核心因素融为一体——包括建在原先兵营宿舍内的少数几间客房。

    Make like a soldier and head to the new 126-room Pousada de Cascais hotel , a converted 16th-century citadel that marries new-build rooms with a historic core -- including a handful of guest rooms within the original barracks quarters .

  9. 战场上最重要的单位,ACU里搭乘着一位指挥官,并且是兵营和指挥中心的结合。

    The most important unit in the field , the ACU houses a Commander and is a combination barracks and command center .

  10. 攻击摩托是游戏里最快的不对,同时应该被主要用于骚扰矿车和对付运载工程师的APC,但是它也可以飞快地摧毁电厂或者兵营。

    The Attack Bike is the fastest ground unit in the game and should mainly be used for harassing Harvester 's and destroying Engineer APC 's , but it can kill Power Plants and Barracks quite quickly .

  11. 有人打电话给布林,声称对在安特里杀害两名马塞林兵营(MassereeneBarrackes)的士兵负责。

    Breen had been telephoned by an individual who claimed responsibility for murdering two soldiers at Massereene Barracks in Antrim .

  12. 我看不到兵营或者是其他建筑。

    I don 't see any barracks or any other structures .

  13. 需要增加兵力以保护兵营免受攻击。

    Extra man are needed to secure the camp against attack .

  14. 兵营生活被证实是既肮脏又单调的。

    Barrack life is shown to be at once squalid and monotonous .

  15. 数百名准军事部队军人回到他们在达卡的兵营。

    Hundreds of paramilitary soldiers have returned to their barracks in Dhaka .

  16. 在这个兵营里,士兵不和军官一起用餐。

    In this camp , private soldiers do not mess with officer .

  17. 我是威廉金石利少校,兵营军官。

    And I 'm Major William Kingsley , Barrack Officer .

  18. 我半夜起来检查兵营看有没有违禁品。

    I was up half the night checking the barracks for contraband .

  19. 蒙卡达兵营已变成一个施刑和杀人的屠。

    Moncada barracks were turned into a workshop of torture and death .

  20. 甚至一排排象兵营似的小片房屋看上去也管理很好。

    Even small tract houses in regimented rows appeared well cared for .

  21. 沃辛顿,知道哈定的兵营在哪边吗?

    Any idea where harding 's barracks are , worthington ?

  22. 有人看见几个新兵从兵营里逃走了。

    Eg. several conscripts were seen to scuttle off barracks .

  23. 兵营生活既肮脏、单调又不愉快。

    Barrack life is squalid , monotonous , and unpleasant .

  24. 我们必须充实民兵营,使之达到规定人数。

    We must bring our militia battalion up to strength .

  25. 建筑格局仍然留有当年的兵营结构。

    The layout of these former barracks has remained unchanged .

  26. 兵营:不要造太多步兵。

    Barracks : Don 't build too much infantry .

  27. 这个海军陆战队的兵营是十年前建造的。

    The marine barracks were built ten years ago .

  28. 这个城里过去曾设有兵营。

    Used to be a barracks in this town .

  29. 兵营四周的草地淹没在黏腻的人血里。

    The grass around the barracks was dark and sticky with human blood .

  30. 我是第六突击兵营的上尉。

    I was a captain with the6th Ranger battallon .