
  • 网络Plate;plate armor;Plate Mail;Plate armour
  1. 为什么板甲的属性分布很小?

    Why is there a narrower distribution of stats on plate ?

  2. 女性德莱尼人的犄角将正确穿过一些板甲头盔。

    Female Draenei horns will now correctly protrude through certain plate helms .

  3. 这些部队可装备半身板甲。

    These units can be armoured up to half plate .

  4. 即使是在晚期,板甲的造价也是相当昂贵的。

    Plate is far too expensive to create even in late periods .

  5. 取消了为圣骑士设计的所有板甲,因为他们总是穿牧师的装备。

    Removed plate armor for paladins since they all wore priest stuff anyway .

  6. 奥博德夏戟兵是身穿板甲的丹麦精锐部队。

    Skilled Danish halberd unit armoured in plate armour .

  7. 冒险者弩兵训练有素,装备弩弓、长剑和板甲。

    Well skilled troops armed with a crossbow and sword and armoured in plate .

  8. 我认为弩箭可以穿透板甲,也许太厚的不行。

    I would say crossbow bolts can pierce plates , but not thick ones .

  9. 事实是,即使很近的距离内,长弓依然无法穿透板甲。

    The truth is even at close range a longbow wont pierce plate armour .

  10. 贵族剑士身穿板甲,手持长剑和盾牌,攻防能力俱佳。

    Strong Scottish melee unit armed with sword and shield and wearing plate armour .

  11. 他们装备板甲和骑枪,忠心耿耿,极为骁勇善战。

    Armed with lances and encased in plate armour they are fierce and loyal warriors .

  12. 身着板甲的他们善于冲击弓箭手和步兵。

    Protected by plate armour these units are very good at riding down archers and infantry .

  13. 亲卫骑士身穿板甲,手持骑枪和长剑,是誓死捍卫公爵荣誉的精锐骑士。

    Armoured in plate and wielding lances , these elite knights defend the Duke 's honour .

  14. 双手剑士身穿板甲,挥动双手巨剑,极为训练有素。

    These well trained warriors are protected by plate armour and wield a mighty two-handed sword .

  15. 高地板甲护肩:购买所需荣誉值恢复到应有数值。

    Defiler 's Plate Spaulders : Honor cost of this item corrected to its intended value .

  16. 尽管如此复杂,全身板甲由于其极佳防护能力仍为诸多战士所青睐。

    Plate armour , however , is highly desirable as the protection it offers is excellent .

  17. 这些战士装备钉头锤和盾并且穿著板甲。

    These soldiers are equipped with a mace and shield and wear heavy mail armour for protection .

  18. 你不是在和布衣决斗,你在和一个高级锁甲/级板甲战斗。

    You are NOT fighting cloth , you are fighting high end mail / low end plate .

  19. 这些骑士装备板甲和长剑,无论马上或步战格斗都同样战技娴熟,对雇主而言的确物有所值。

    These knights are armoured in plate mail and wield their swords to excellent effect when on foot .

  20. 他看到一个身形巨大的兽人,穿着全身一套黑色板甲。

    He caught sight of an enormous orc , dressed in a full suit of black plate armor .

  21. 波兰卫队身穿板甲,手持骑枪和长剑,令人敬畏有加。

    These highly respected and feared troops wear plate armour and are armed with a lance and a sword .

  22. 男爵亲卫骑兵是忠诚的贵族卫队,装备板甲和骑枪。

    Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty .

  23. 受到板甲保护、携带利剑的重步兵可以骑马或步行作战。

    Protected by plate armour and armed with a sword this heavy infantry unit can fight mounted or on foot .

  24. 骑士是最重的装甲类的游戏;实际上是唯一一个可以穿板甲。

    Knights are the heaviest armored class in the game ; actually the only one that can wear plate armor .

  25. 独立枪骑兵是经验丰富军纪严明的职业部队,身穿意大利精良板甲,手持沉重骑枪和长剑。

    Broken lances are well trained and experienced professional soldiers , protected by plate armour , armed with lances and swords .

  26. 你可能会说“如果我只穿板甲,那我会很糟糕!”

    You may say " If I wear the gear I am supposed to wear , I 'll be terrible . "

  27. 这些骑士身穿重型链甲或板甲,手持沉重骑枪,是战法娴熟实力强大的精锐军事组织。

    An elite and powerful fighting order of well trained knights wearing heavy mail or plate armour and armed with a lance .

  28. 这些步兵以剑法而闻名,他们的铠甲在开始的时候是轻装盔甲,后来改用板甲和敞开式头盔。

    Renowned for their swordsmanship , these infantrymen are protected by light armour , or later plate armour and an open helmet .

  29. 但是他强调级别上限会提高到45,我们将会看到板甲和坐骑。

    However he did comment that the level limit will likely be increased to45 and we will see plate armor and mounts .

  30. 将领卫队身穿重型链甲或早期板甲,手持骑枪,其恐怖冲锋令敌军闻风胆裂。

    Wearing heavy mail or partial plate and wielding lances this unit is capable of devastating charges and riding down most foes .