
  • 网络Specific music;concrete music;musique concrète;Musique concrete
  1. 具体音乐(将自然音响录制后重新改编而成者)。

    Concrete music ( music composed of natural sounds that are recorded and then rearranged )

  2. 本文从当今具有代表性的具体音乐作品分析入手,研究提出了具体音乐作品中关于主题的几种处理手段:如通过效果调制塑造音乐主题、对比音乐主题、发展音乐段落;

    Based on the analysis and studies of the concrete music representative of the present times , the article comes up with several approaches to the thematic treatment of the concrete music works , which involve modeling musical theme , comparing music theme and extending music sections by effect modulation ;

  3. 系统设计的主要目的就是通过结合对MIDI信号和Audio信号的解析,形成高级的音频信息进行动作的选择与编辑,从而简化并自动生成针对具体音乐片段的同步的动作序列。

    The goal of this work is to combine the power of advanced music analysis performed on both MIDI and audio signals with motion editing to simplify and automate the generation of synchronised musical animations .

  4. 视唱练耳是高等师范院校的必修课程之一,它将音高、节奏、旋律等具体音乐要素作为教学对象。

    Solfeggio is a required course for Teachers Colleges , one of which will pitch , rhythm , melody and other specific elements of music as a teaching object .

  5. 作为20世纪科技进步与音乐艺术联姻的产物――音响型的具体音乐与传统音乐一样都需要具有主题,需要赋予主题主题性。

    As the product of the combination of high-tech and musical art , the concrete music characterized by sound needs likewise to have its theme and along with it the thematic treatment .

  6. 然而,建立在这种聆听状态之上,已然从具体音乐的传统中衍生出了一种风格流派,使该术语在很大程度上得到了更加广泛的运用。

    However , the term has gained wider usage , in describing a genre , which , to a large extent derives from the Musique Concr è te tradition and is founded upon this listening situation .

  7. 通过对蒙汉调的调式、旋法,唱词、结构、润腔等具体音乐形态的分析,阐述蒙汉调是如何融合不同民族的文化,形成自己独具特色的音乐的。

    The paper states the process of how " Meng-Han " song forms its own distinctive style by mixing the cultures of various nationalities through the analysis of the concrete musical conformation of " Meng-Han " song 's method of melody n lyrics ^ structure , adornment etc.

  8. 因为从具体的音乐形式来看,它是语言与歌唱结合的艺术品种。

    Judging from its musical form , it is a combination of language and singing .

  9. 他不以技法的激进而著名,也难以归为某一具体的音乐流派。

    He was reputed not in the radical compositional techniques , also was hardly to be classified into a concrete musical genre .

  10. 梨园供奉官、都都知与都知是低级乐官,不由宦官担任,具备较高的音乐才能,在梨园从事具体的音乐工作。

    The lower officers were assumed by junior musical officers who were not eunuchs but should have quite high music talent and were engaged in specific music work .

  11. 即针对大学生的心理素质问题,从音乐教育角度,分析如何通过具体的音乐教育方式方法,培养大学生创新心理、自信与进取心理、正确的恋爱心理、协作心理与柔韧心理。

    Aiming for the university students ' psychology problems , it analyzes how to develop university students ' psychology of innovation , self-confidence and enterprise , correct amorous attitude , cooperation and flexible by concrete music education methods .

  12. 然后具体到音乐教学中,分析音乐教学的现状,指出乐舞融合教学有助于音乐教学质量的提高,说明实施乐舞融合教学的现实意义。

    Then in regard to music teaching , through analysis of present situation of music teaching , it points out that music and dancing integrated teaching helps improvement of music teaching quality , illustrating actual meaning for implementation of music and dancing integrated teaching .

  13. 所以,我们大可以把世界称为具体化的音乐,正如把它称为具体化的意志那样;

    We might , therefore , just as well call the world embodied music as embodied will ;

  14. 而不具有确切和具体概念的音乐,它的具体性与不具体性,确定性与不确定性特点的音响,正好是人的初级本质进行审美感受的最好载体。

    The music without exact and specific concept is just the best medium of man 's primary nature to go on aesthetic experience .

  15. 使我们在学习民间音乐时,能够对具体的民间音乐分析更加符合民族音乐的特征。

    So when we study folk music , it can help the specific analysis of folk music accord with the features of ethnic music better .

  16. 唐代文人的音乐素质具体表现为音乐欣赏、音乐表演、音乐创作三种音乐活动。

    The Tang Dynasty writers ' music quality appear as three kinds of music activities that they are music appreciation , music performance , music creations .

  17. 然而,在商业上的成功导致了新的批评,认为作风问题和具体联盟的音乐和商业变得太利润驱动,忽视了艺术价值。

    Nevertheless , the commercial success caused fresh criticism , arguing that the style in question and specific union of music and business became too profit-driven , neglecting the artistic values .

  18. 又能认识到其具体特征:音乐美、情感美、形象美,以及在新的课标要求下,其生成的新要求、新特点、新方式。

    But also understanding of its specific features : music beauty , emotional beauty , beauty , and the request of the new curriculum standards , the generated new requirements , new features , new ways .

  19. 本研究在《全国学校艺术教育发展规划》标准下,通过对高校音乐课堂教学现状的调查研究,具体关注高校音乐课堂教学评价中存在的问题,进行深层次的分析影响高校音乐教学的因素。

    This study based on the college music teaching present situation investigation and study , in the " National School Art Education Development Planning " standard , with specific attention in music classroom teaching evaluation problems , in-depth analysis of the impact of college music teaching factors .

  20. 本文具体阐述了MIDI音乐库主旋律提取方法和哼唱特征包含基频和音符在内的特征提取和处理方法,通过实验得出特征提取效果。

    The paper describes the melody extraction of MIDI music database and humming feature including pitch and note extraction and processing , we make an assessment of the feature extraction by experiment .

  21. 全文共分四个部分,从文本结构、词汇、修辞和长句子的运用等方面具体阐述张洁小说音乐美的具体表现。

    The article is composed of four parts , which particularly expatiates the melody of Zhang Jie 's novels from the use of language structure , glossary , rhetoric and long sentence .