
tái běn
  • playscript with stage directions
台本[tái běn]
  1. 松下电器产业公司(PanasonicCorp.)说,上海一家电视台本月早些时候停播了日本商品广告,还暂停了日本公司赞助的节目的播出。

    Panasonic Corp. 6752.TO - 3.36 % said that one TV station in Shanghai earlier this month stopped running commercials for Japanese wares and also suspended programs sponsored by Japanese companies .

  2. 卡通视频序列中分镜头台本要素提取研究

    The Extraction of Element Factor in Storyboard of Animation Video Sequences

  3. 二、中英文台本第二集《主食的故事》

    Episode 2 The Story of Staple Food

  4. 二、中英文台本第三集《转化的灵感》

    Episode 3 Inspiration for Transformation

  5. 中国国家电视台本月播出了一个系列讲述购房者和房地产开发商所面临困境的节目。

    Chinese state television aired a series this month on difficulties faced by home buyers and property developers .

  6. 与往年不同,中国中央电视台本周没有公布备受关注的2014年广告招标结果。

    China Central Television this week departed from past practice and declined to disclose results of a closely watched auction for advertising slots for next year .

  7. 为降低轿车主减速器噪声测试试验台本底噪声,其传动系统采用了四对三角胶带传动。

    The V belt wheels of noise experimental table of main carriage reduction gear must suit drive ratio , be lightest in weight and least in moment of inertia .

  8. 英国电视黄金台本周二公布的一项对3931人的民意调查说,利物浦有一项法律规定,只有热带鱼商店的店员才允许在公共场合袒胸露背,这也让人匪夷所思。

    A law stating that in Liverpool , only a clerk in a tropical fish store is allowed to be publicly topless , was also ridiculous , said a poll of3,931 people for UKTV Gold television out Tuesday .

  9. 深圳电视台本周一报道称,一位70岁的广东省深圳市市民在街上行走时,突然昏迷猝死,人们坚信高温是凶手。

    The extreme heat is believed to have caused the death of a 70-year-old resident of Guangdong province ` s Shenzhen city , after he suddenly lost consciousness while walking down the street , Shenzhen TV reported on Monday .