
  1. 舞台吊杆控制系统中操作台与PLC之间的接口及通信系统设计

    The Interface and Communication System Between PLC and Operator in the Stage Boom Control System

  2. SOASoftware的工作台与微软的ESB指南工具深深地集成了在一起,并为BizTalkServer提供根本的治理能力

    SOA Software 's Workbench is deeply integrated with Microsoft 's ESB Guidance Toolkit and offers essential governance capabilities for BizTalk Server

  3. NISSAN千里马轿车故障诊断实验台与软件设计

    Design of Fault Diagnosis Test-bed and Software on NISSAN MAXIMA

  4. 对于同样的开幕式场景及其文化展示,中国中央电视台与美国NBC电视台的开幕式解说词的语言风格却截然不同。

    However , to the same scenes and culture show , the language styles of commentaries of China Central Television ( CCTV ) and National Broadcasting Company ( NBC ) were totally different .

  5. MOS电容测量时,连线和样品衬底上的寄生电阻、探针或探针台与样品接触造成的寄生电容等因素,导致直接测量的结果往往不能反映样品本身的真实信息。

    The parasitical resistance generated by the connection wires and the substrate and the parasitical capacitance generated by the contact between probe or base with the device cause that the directly measured results usually can not reflect the real information of the device itself .

  6. 应用北京及邻区2min采样的地磁总场观测资料,分析了北京台与各临时台地磁总场的频谱特性与频谱幅比的时空变化。

    Based on the data of 2 min geomagnetic total field observation in Beijing and its adjacent areas , the frequency spectrum characteristic and the time-space variation of amplitude ratio of frequency spectrum for Beijing station and other 11 temporal stations are analyzed .

  7. 离心力场中振动台与柔性梁的运动耦合分析

    Movement coupling analysis of vibrator and flexible base in compound environment

  8. 选台与显示。文章说明了各部分的基本工作过程。

    On working ( 3 ) Programme selection and display .

  9. 超市服务台与人员配备模型设计

    The Model of Scheming Staff and Service Design for Supermarket

  10. 滚珠丝杠进给系统试验台与自动回程限位电路的设计与分析

    Analysis and Design of Ball-screw Feeding Test-bed and Self-Return Circuit

  11. 全瓷基台与钛基台种植体支持全瓷单冠的应力分布

    Stress Analysis of Implant-supported All-ceramic Single Crown on Different Abutments

  12. 火灾报警系统的后台通信设计与实现驾驶台与驾驶台通信

    The Fire Alarm System 's Backstage Correspondence Design with Realizes

  13. 收割台与脱粒装置连接轴

    Counter-beater for harvesting or threshing machines platform pivot shaft

  14. 中国南极长城地震台与地磁台的建立

    Establishment of china 's Antarctic seismological and geomagnetic observatories

  15. 在此基础上研制了一台与传统平场光栅谱仪不同的入射狭逢到光栅中心距离为155mm的掠入射平焦场谱仪。

    This is different from the conventional design for a flat-field grazing-incidence spectrometer .

  16. 第二章在微观层面上分析了太原台与晋中台的合作。

    The second chapter analyzes the cooperation between Taiyuan station and Jinzhong station .

  17. 港、澳、台与大陆离婚制度比较

    A Comparison on Divorce System among Hong Kong 、 Macao 、 Taiwan and Mainland

  18. 钢包回转台与基础共同作用的研究

    Research on interaction of ladle turret and foundation

  19. 你也用不着在收银台与其他购物者一起排队。

    And you do not have to queue with other shoppers on the check-out counters .

  20. 结果表明,该技术可实现服务台与旅客沟通适时、准确。

    Result shows that this way can realize the timely and accurate communication between service desk and passengers .

  21. 中、短波广播发射台与电缆载波通信系统的防护间距标准

    Standard for protective spacing between medium , short wave broadcast transmitting station and electric cable carrier telecommunication systems

  22. 鞍山地震台与地震办公室合署办公的管理体制促进了地震工作的健康发展

    The management system of " combining seismic station and seismological office into one " promotes the seismological work of Anshan

  23. 影剧院挑台与下层梁板同时浇筑混凝土的工艺和质量控制

    Technology and quality control which winkling platform of the theatre pouring concrete with the lower floor at the same time

  24. 所述升降装置固定台与传送辊道之间设置有传送辊道升降装置。

    A conveyance roller way lifting device is arranged between the lifting device mounting plate and the conveyance roller way .

  25. 您可以使用咨询台与公司的计算机网络负责人交流技术问题。

    You can use the Help Desk to communicate technical issues to the person responsible for your company 's computer network .

  26. 在宾馆、旅社等场所,服务台与旅客沟通的方式主要依赖于局域电话。

    The communication between service desk and passengers mainly depends on the local telephone in hotels , guest houses and other places .

  27. 试验结果表明,小卫星气浮台与地面测控站之间通信过程模拟效果令人满意。

    The test result shows that the communication effect between the micro-satellite air floating platform and the telecommand and telemetry simulator is satisfied .

  28. 对控制操作台与试验台控制单元通信模块的设计是通过使用多线程的串行通信方式来实现的。

    The soft realizes the communication module between the control operation platform and the control cell of test platform by using multithreading serial communication .

  29. 稳压器的支承设计采用下封头整体锻出的凸台与裙座支承筒对接焊连接。

    The pressurizer is supported by the butt-welded connection between the integrated forged boss on the lower endplate and supporting cylinder on the skirt support .

  30. Ⅱ期植入用带线的义眼台与四条直肌缝合后,再缝合筋膜和结膜,包裹义眼台。

    Secondary implantation is to take hydroxyapatite orbital with suture line to four muscles rectus suctioning and make spatium and tunica conjunctive to pack orbital .