
  • 网络Terrace garden;Terrac Garden
  1. 文艺复兴时期意大利台地园的造园艺术分析

    The landscape art analysis of Terrace garden at the Italian Renaissance

  2. 荷兰园林有意大利和法国园林的特征,但不是台地园,且雕塑较少。

    Dutch garden had characteristic of Italy and France , but it is not terrace garden and has less statue .

  3. 罗马附近山丘地带的别墅被设计成了台地园。

    Villas on the hilly terrain near Rome were designed with terraced gardens .

  4. 本文从地域文化的自然环境和历史文化传统的角度,以意大利台地园和中国古典园林为例,探讨了地域文化与园林景观的限定关系,以及地域文化和设计的相互促进作用。

    Based on the study of the entironment and tradition in regional culture , this paper investigates that Italian style garden and traditional Chinese garden have relations with regional culture , and shows that regional culture and landscape architecture design do good to each other .