
  • 网络ku hye sun;Gu HyeSun;S Diary
  1. 你预见到了具惠善的成功吗?

    Did you foresee GHS 's success ?

  2. 具惠善说:她想展现的是一个关于年轻人凄美的故事。

    Goo Hye Sun said she wanted to show a cruel yet beautiful story about young people .

  3. 具惠善的情况不是100%康复,但是她已经做了最大的努力。

    She 's not100 % well yet , but she is doing the best that she can .

  4. 具惠善表示,她通过电视节目了解到了海地儿童的现状,她对他们的遭遇感到很悲伤。

    GHS states that she found out about the children of Haiti through TV program and she felt so bad for them .