
  • 网络animal teeth
  1. 出土器物有玉石器、鳄鱼骨板、兽牙、猪下颌骨、陶器等。

    The accompanying grave-goods are stone implements , jades , crocodiles'bones , beasts'teeth , pigs'lower jawbones , pottery and so on .

  2. 这些假牙的制作材料不是人牙就是兽牙,然后这些假牙再被用金子做的绑带和金属的小钉子固定在人们的口腔内。

    They were made using either animal or human teeth , which were fixed onto a gold band with metal pins and then secured in place inside the mouth .

  3. 本税则所称“兽牙”,是指象、河马、海象、一角鲸和野猪的长牙、犀角及其他动物的牙齿。

    Throughout the Nomenclature , elephant , hippopotamus , walrus , narwhal and wild boar tusks , rhinoceros horns and the teeth of all animals are regarded as " ivory " .

  4. 例如:鄂伦春、鄂温克族萨满的服饰上,都要缀以兽骨、兽牙;

    For example , Shaman of Oroqen and Ewenki nationalities always decorate their clothes with beast bones or teeth ;