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  • iron box;safe
  1. 那些贼在铁箱上钻了个洞。

    The thieves drilled a hole in the iron box .

  2. “这里会有值钱的东西在这个铁箱里”他看它。

    Certainly there are valuable things in the chest .

  3. 铁箱能使高地球磁选机场影响不了指北针。

    An iron case will keep the Earths magnetic field away from the compass .

  4. 你看李梅亭的铁箱不是有一个人那么高么?

    Did you notice ? Li Mei-t'ing 's metal trunk is as tall as a person .

  5. 美女,我喜欢你鼓捣大铁箱的方式

    Hey , pretty girls , I like the way you push around that big steel box

  6. 这样我们也许会看到有奇妙的东西在这个铁箱里。

    Then we shall find out what kind of wonderful things there were in the little chest .

  7. 他相信这儿既然有一把钥匙,肯定也有一把锁,他在地面深处找到了一个小铁箱。

    Now he believed that where there was a key , there must also be a lock , so he dug in the ground and found a little iron chest .

  8. 上星期他用一张沙纸把铁箱表面的锈蹭掉了。星期天是在报纸上查寻招聘广告的最好的日子。

    He rubbed away the rust on the surfaces of the iron tank with a piece of sandpaper last week . Sunday be the best day to check the want ads .

  9. 简要论述大口径弹铁包装箱结构改进设计的概况和特点;

    He general situation and property of the design for improving iron packaging box 's structure of big caliber ammunition are discussed .

  10. 焊接铁网石箱(GABION)挡土墙设计与施工

    Design and construction of welded wire fabric gabion retaining wall

  11. 因此,工人将两条长角铁置于配电箱底部,方便运送。

    Therefore , two channels were placed underneath the switchboard to facilitate the sliding motion .

  12. 本文就焊接铁网石箱在水利工程挡土墙中的应用设计、制造工艺以及施工方法进行了详尽地介绍。

    The paper introduces the design , the manufacture technology and the construction method of welded wire fabric gabion applicated in the water project .

  13. 高铁预应力混凝土预制箱梁冬季施工质量控制

    Winter construction quality control of precast prestressed concrete box-girder in high-speed railway

  14. 郑州黄河公铁两用桥公路箱梁架设施工技术

    The highway box beam erection construction technology of Zhengzhou the Yellow River highway railway dual bridge

  15. 通过与传统的制式木包装箱和改革后的铁包装宠进行综合性对比,全面阐述了铁包装箱在各方面的优越性。

    According to comparing the classical wood packaging box with the developed iron packaging box , the every kinds of advantage properties of the iron packaging box are described .