
tiě tí
  • iron heel;cruel oppression of the people;rule of force
铁蹄 [tiě tí]
  • [iron heel;cruel oppression of the people;rule of force] 铁的蹄。比喻侵略者蹂躏人民的残暴行为

铁蹄[tiě tí]
  1. 马背上的王者成吉思汗以旋风般的铁蹄,在欧亚大陆留下了令人心惊胆颤的记忆。

    Genghis Khan , the king on the horse has left startling quiver memory at the Eurasia with the iron heel like the whirlwind .

  2. 古罗马城在蛮族的铁蹄下沦陷了

    The ancient city of Rome fell under the iron hooves of the barbarians .

  3. 多年来这个国家一直在独裁政权的铁蹄下。

    For years the nation had been under the heel of a dictatorial regime .

  4. 在侵略者的铁蹄下,他们受尽了奴役。

    They suffered a lot under the invader 's heel .

  5. 在欧洲的法国仍居於德国的铁蹄下。

    Within Europe itself the French dwelt constantly under the German heel .

  6. 直到二战爆发,战争的铁蹄踏遍了整个欧洲。

    Until the Second World War , a war spreaded across the whole Europe .

  7. 听铁蹄震撼大地!

    Hark to our stomps on the ground !

  8. 我多么愤恨那布满了奴隶的脚踵和铁蹄的凹痕的公共大道;

    that common highway all over dented with the marks of slavish heels and hoofs ;

  9. 面对蒙古的铁蹄,曾经不可一世的女真人显得孱弱无能,在战场上节节败退。

    Confronting the Mongolian forces , the ever extremely arrogant Jurchen people appeared to be fragile and incapable .

  10. 我痛恨陆地上那些印满了奴隶的脚印和骡马的铁蹄的大道,

    how I spurned that turnpike earth ! that common highway all over dented with the marks of slavish heels and hoofs ;

  11. 让我们向伟大的一代军人致敬,他们将亚欧大陆从法西斯的铁蹄下解放出来,他们在太平洋的海岛上浴血奋战,他们为的是我们过上今天的生活。

    We salute that Greatest Generation who freed a continent from fascism and fought across Pacific Islands to preserve our way of life .

  12. 敢出头的受祝福,因他们会成为世界之主;正派卑贱的受诅咒,因他们会被踏在铁蹄之下!

    Blessed are the bold , for they shall be masters of the world-Cursed are the righteously humble , for they shall be trodden under cloven hoofs !

  13. 小说《四世同堂》是他的代表作之一,是一篇表现北京普通市民在日本铁蹄践踏下顽强生存和斗争的长篇巨著。

    His masterpiece Four Generations under One Roof is a magnum opus depicting the lives and struggle of ordinary people in Peiping under the trample of Japanese army .

  14. 他战马的铁蹄要踏遍你的街道,他将用刀剑屠杀你的人民,且把你的神柱推倒在地。

    With the hoofs of his horses he shall tread down all thy streets : thy people he shall kill with the sword , and thy famous statues shall fall to the ground .

  15. 这些年轻的战士们在战火和铁蹄下没有半点犹豫,他们勇往直前,不顾子弹和炮火,向法国土壤前进。

    These young men in the middle of this hell of fire and steel did not hesitate for a second . They move forward , move forward on French soil defying bullets and shells .

  16. 今天,媒介帝国的铁蹄几乎无所不及,已经广泛影响并深刻改变了现象学意义上的现代生活经验,审美意识和审美现象也发生了巨大变化。

    The prevailing power of the empire of media has widely influenced and fundamentally changed modern life experience in the sense of phenomenology , and in consequence , aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic phenomenon have also undergone significant changes .

  17. 日本军队曾在第二次世界大战期间对包括中国在内的亚太地区爱好和平的人民犯下了罄竹难书的罪行,无数鲜活的生命在日本军队的铁蹄蹂躏下以屈辱痛苦的方式被终结。

    Japanese troops had made serious crimes during the second world war , including the Chinese people in the Asia-Pacific region peace-loving people , countless fresh lives have been ended under conquests in humiliation painful way by Japanese troops .

  18. 两人鏖战不休,三叉戟河的河水在战马铁蹄下染得血红,直到最后劳勃的战锤击碎了对手镗甲上的三头龙,以及镗甲下的躯体。

    The waters of the Trident ran red around the hooves of their destriers as they circled and clashed , again and again , until at last a crushing blow from Robert 's hammer stove in the dragon and the chest beneath it .