
  • 网络funeral song;Wailing;funeral dirge
  1. 论汉水流域丧歌多文化向度的价值系统结构

    The Value System Structure of Multi-culture Degree of Funeral Songs in Hanjiang River Basin

  2. 夜间睡得不好,睡梦中时常惊醒,觉得听到了远远传来的悲叹和好像唱丧歌的声音。

    That night I slept poorly , and between my fitful dreams , I thought I heard a distant moaning , like a funeral dirge .

  3. 演唱丧歌是汉水文化习俗的最重要的组成部分和最普遍的表现形式,几乎伴随着汉水流域民俗大礼&丧礼形式的每一过程。

    Singing funeral songs , the most important part and the most common expression form of Hanjiang River culture , almost runs through all the process of funeral ceremony .

  4. 汉水流域丧歌作为一个典型的汉水文化事象,其中蕴涵着丰富而典范的孝文化、乐感文化和伦理习俗文化等中国文化的核心内核。

    The funeral songs in Hanjiang River basin , one outstanding phenomenon of Hanjiang River culture , contain many classic cores of Chinese Culture , such as filial piety culture , music culture , ethics and customs and so on .

  5. 畲族民歌的内容非常丰富,可分为成儿歌、历史传说歌、情歌、婚俗歌、劳动歌、小说故事歌、时政歌、杂歌、丧俗歌等九种。

    The She folk songs content is extremely rich , can be divided into nursery rhyme , legend songs , love songs , marriage customs songs , labor songs , story songs , politics songs , miscellaneous songs and funeral songs .