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  • 网络Funeral system;the funeral custom
  1. 中国古代的丧葬制度包括埋葬制度和居丧制度,在古代社会生活中具有重要的地位。

    The funeral custom in ancient China includes to parts & burial custom and residential custom , which played a very important role in the ancient social life .

  2. 北魏对汉晋南朝丧葬制度的继承与融合;

    Second , the inheritance of the funeral custom of Han and Western Jin , and the assimilation to that of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasty ;

  3. 丧葬制度是现实生活的缩影和折射。

    Funeral system is the epitome and reflection of real life .

  4. 古代丧葬制度与丧俗文化

    System of Ancient Funeral and Obsequies Culture

  5. 研究唐代丧葬制度对于理解唐代社会文化有着重要意义。

    Researching on burial system of Tang Dynasty is significant for understanding the culture of the Tang Dynasty .

  6. 邺城和晋阳作为北齐统治的核心,其墓葬文化较好地体现了北齐的丧葬制度和墓葬文化。

    As the centers of the Northern Qi , Yecheng and Jinyang showed a relatively typical funerary system and tomb culture .

  7. 北魏丧葬制度的建立,对北魏社会产生了巨大而深远的影响。

    The establishment of the funeral system of the Northern Wei Dynasty , brings an important and far-reaching influence on the society .

  8. 战国时期的祭祀、丧葬制度发生了新变化,战国诸子的鬼神观念也有很大差别。再次,分析了战国简帛文字所见祖先神崇拜的衰落。

    In Warring States , the fate and burial system are change , the hundred schools of thought and their exponents on God are different .

  9. 有鉴于此,本文结合历史文献与近年来的考古发现,从丧、葬及由此引发的相关问题入手,对秦人丧葬制度进行综合性研究。

    This dissertation intends to depart from those researches in terms of both historical documents and recent archaeological data , attempting to address the Qin funeral system .

  10. 社会发展到春秋时期,丧葬制度发生了变化、产生了危机,《左传》详细记录了这一情况。

    The society developed the Spring and Autumn Period time , the funeral system had the change , to have the crisis , " zuozhuan " had a detailed record on this situation .

  11. 魏晋南北朝时期的丧葬制度作为当时文化重要的组成部分同样也极具时代特色,随葬俑群在墓葬中大量出现就是显著特点之一。

    Burial system of the Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties as a culturally important part of the same great features of the times , funerary figurines group is the most significant one of the characteristics of a large number of burial .

  12. 挽歌与音乐紧密相连,哀挽之音感人是挽歌被纳入丧葬礼仪制度的重要因素;

    The elegy has a close relationship with music , so the affecting melody becomes an important factor to the funeral system .

  13. 周代丧葬禁乐制度与儒家礼乐观的关系

    Music Ban in the Funeral Rules in Zhou Dynasty and the Confucian Viewpoint

  14. 东周时期的用璧制度不但继承了西周时期用璧制度的传统,还在丧葬用器和佩戴饰物方面有所发展;同时东周时期的丧葬用璧制度,又为汉代的丧葬用玉制度奠定了基础。

    Eastern Zhou period with bi system will not only inherited the tradition of the Western Zhou Dynasty Bi system , the development still Funeral Appliances and wear ornaments ; Bi system , the funeral of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and Han Dynasty burial jade system laid the foundation for .