
  • 网络shikibu;Save the Queen
  1. 女权主义者为这本书的作者紫式部(MurasakiShikibu)是一位女性而欢欣鼓舞,即使写小说在当时被普遍认为是一种无聊、粗俗,并不是男性应该从事的活动。

    Feminists rejoice that the author , Murasaki Shikibu , was a woman , even if writing fiction was generally regarded as frivolous and lowbrow ; not an activity for men .

  2. 日本平安朝女作家与中国文学&以紫式部为中心

    Japanese Women Writers during Hei An Chao and Chinese Literature

  3. 在紫式部所处的时代,日本的散文创作依旧处于萌芽状态,因而书中所用的句法晦涩难懂。

    Japanese prose was still in its infancy in Murasaki 's day , so her syntax can be opaque .

  4. 埋藏式深部脑刺激器(DBS)的设计与应用

    Design and application of imbeded DBS

  5. 双聚焦破片式战斗部计算机辅助设计研究

    Study of Computer Aided Design for the Double Focuses Fragmentation Warhead

  6. 离散杆式战斗部对飞机的毁伤工程计算

    The Damage Engineering Calculation of the Discrete Warhead to the Plane

  7. 子母式战斗部径向抛掷子弹的抛掷规律

    Laws reflecting the ejection of bullets ejected radially from cluster warheads

  8. 更深层次看,是一个分权的、控制权较为明晰的组织模式被逐渐使用,最终导致一个均衡权力结构模型&联邦分权式事业部制的产生。

    It creates ultimately a structure model of equilibrium of right-multidivisional structure .

  9. 所给出的结果对破片式战斗部威力设计及轻型装甲结构的优化设计具有参考意义。

    It is useful in the design of warhead and light armors .

  10. 破片式战斗部对地面复杂目标的毁伤研究

    A study of damage done by a fragmentation warhead upon complex ground targets

  11. 起爆方式对子母式战斗部破片速度影响的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of the Velocity Affected by Initiating Mode on Cluster-type Warhead Fragments

  12. 破片聚焦式战斗部毁伤直升机类目标的研究

    The Study on Damaging Target by Fragmentation Focus Warhead

  13. 破片式战斗部对导弹的易损性分析和计算

    The vulnerability analysis and computation for the missile to the high explosive warhead

  14. 连续杆式战斗部毁伤因素的影响分析

    The Damage Factor Analysis of Continuous Rod Warhead

  15. 破片式战斗部结构参数的计算机选择

    Computer selection of structural parameters for fragmentation warheads

  16. 移动式端部振动放矿机的模拟研究及其工业应用

    Mathematical simulation and industrial application of the vibrating drawing ore machine with a propelling end

  17. 夹钳式手部力分析及实验研究

    Force Analysis and Experiment Of Gripper

  18. 破片式战斗部对轻型装甲车辆的易损性分析方法及计算模型

    An evaluating approach for the vulnerability of the lightweight armored vehicle to attack by fragmentation artillery warhead

  19. 模拟结果可应用于轻型壳体的聚能杆式战斗部结构设计。

    The simulation results can be applied to design the rod shaped projectile warhead with light casing .

  20. 在假定约束条件下,优化设计了破片聚焦式战斗部的结构参数;

    An optimum structure of fragment focusing warheads is designed under the assumption of fragment emission and power radius .

  21. 研究了某导弹引战系统数学仿真中破片式战斗部仿真的实现。

    The fragmentation warhead simulation in mathematical simulation of fuse-warhead system for some missile was realized in this paper .

  22. 文中对射弹撞击引爆装药的几种判据进行了分析,并利用某型破片式战斗部对带防护的柱壳装药模拟靶进行了易损性毁伤试验研究。

    And the impact damage experiments of simulation targets vulnerability were made which used the real warhead to the charges which covered steel shell .

  23. 针对空地反辐射导弹爆破式战斗部的毁伤特性,提出了一种导弹飞过目标近炸,其它弹目交会情况触发起爆的新的引战配合方式。

    In the course of missile target intersection , the early or late of miss azimuth has important affection on the efficiency of fuze warhead matching .

  24. 离散杆式战斗部是一种特殊的预制破片战斗部,该文通过对典型空中目标的选取及易损性分析,建立离散杆式战斗部对目标的毁伤计算模型。

    In this dissertation , through the analysis of the typical airborne target , the models for calculating the damage of the discrete rod warhead to the target are established .

  25. 针对反辐射导弹对地空导弹制导雷达的毁伤机理和强度进行分析和理论研究,提出求解破片式战斗部对制导雷达毁伤概率的数学模型和计算方法。

    The damage mechanism and intensity of AntiRadar Missile ( ARM ) to the surfacetoair missile guidance radar were analyzed , and the relevant mathematical models and calculation methods were put forward .

  26. 通过对我军某型飞机的结构易损性分析和离散杆的空间分布与飞行姿态规律的分析,建立了空战对抗中,飞机结构在离散杆式战斗部打击下的毁伤计算模型。

    Through the analysis of structure vulnerability of an aircraft and space distribution and flight attitude of discrete rod , the models to calculate the damage of an aircraft affected by the discrete rod warhead under some crossing conditions are established .

  27. 本文依据引战配合理论,从系统的观点,分析了破片式战斗部导弹的引战配合过程,综合引信系统、战斗部系统和目标系统之间信息,得到引战配合效率的计算模型。

    Based on the theory of fuze-warhead coordination , having systematically analyzed the fuze-warhead coordinating process of fragmentation warhead missiles and synthesized the information of fuse system , warhead system and target system , the paper came to the calculation model of fuze-warhead coordinating efficiency .

  28. 带式输送机端部滚筒母切线高度h1确定方法的理论研究

    Study on Determinating Method of Height h_1 of Main Tangent-line on Terminal-drum of Belt Conveyors

  29. BillrothⅡ式胃大部切除术对血钙和25(OH)VitD水平的远期影响

    Changes of plasma calcium and serum 25 ( OH ) VitD levels after partial gastrectomy with billroth ⅱ anastomosis

  30. 结论Treitz韧带和十二指肠空肠曲在BillrothⅡ式胃大部切除术中有一定的解剖学意义。

    Conclusions Treitz ligament and duodenojejunal flexure had some anatomy implication in Billroth ⅱ subtotal gastrectomy .