
  • 网络Xiang Yuan;Mukaihara
  1. 从对id方法两次调用的输出中可以看出,创建的新字符串对象中保存的是向原字符串中添加文本的结果。

    As you can see from the output from the two calls to the id method , a new string object was created to hold the result of adding text to the original string .

  2. 算法把原问题分解为一系列子问题,在保持原问题的Wolfe对偶可行的前提下,通过迭代计算,由这一系列子问题的最优解向原问题的最优解逼近。

    The original problem is divided into a series of subproblems in the method . In the condition of Wolfe dual problem is feasible , the optimum solution is obtained by solving the subproblems through iterations .

  3. Ad-Cre及Ad-GFP感染iNPC后,Ad-Cre组iNPC细胞形态逐渐向原代细胞改变,而Ad-GFP组细胞保持原有形态。

    After Ad-Cre and Ad-GFP infection , the morphology of Ad-Cre group iNPC cells gradually changed to form primitive cells , but the Ad-GFP group cells kept their original form .

  4. 以下官员马上向原单位报告。

    The following officers are requested to report to their units .

  5. 向原格式的转换失败,无法保存程序组。

    Cannot save program groups because conversion to original format failed .

  6. 他向原作者P.L.特拉弗斯(艾玛·汤普森饰演)许下诺言说他不会这么做。

    He promises author P.L. Travers ( played by Emma Thompson ) that he won 't.

  7. 检查并向原发话者证实。

    Check and confirm with originator .

  8. 故意剽窃者要被带去民事法庭接受审判,并且被要求向原作者支付损失赔偿金。

    Professional writers who plagiarize can be taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages .

  9. 7向原材料采购经理汇报,按时间每周&每月生成报告。

    Report to RM Purchasing Manager and issue weekly & monthly report on a timely basis .

  10. 在纤维素基制品中,为提供强度和起皱而向原材料加入的添加剂。

    Additives for addition to starting materials in cellulose based products for imparting strength and crepe .

  11. 此文就脂肪性肝病向原发性肝癌进展的可能机制作一综述。

    This article is mainly about the possible pathogenesis how fatty liver disease progress to liver cancer .

  12. 申办人完成拟办企业筹建后,应当向原审批机构申请验收。

    After completion of establishment of the planned retailer , the applicant shall apply to the original approving department for acceptance inspections .

  13. 将一本小说搬上舞台需要勇气、见识以及拒绝向原作者卑躬屈膝的精神。

    ADAPTING a novel for the stage requires courage , vision and a spirit that refuses to kowtow to the original author .

  14. 原船舶所有人应当向原船舶登记机关办理船舶所有权注销登记。

    The original shipowner shall undergo formalities for cancellation of registration of the ship 's ownership at the original ship registration authorities .

  15. 要赋予被禁止排污企业有向原单位申诉或者向上级环保部门复核的权利。

    To give the prohibited sewage enterprises to the original unit or higher level environmental protection departments to review appeals to the right .

  16. 昨天,向原奶中掺入三聚氰胺的耿金平、耿金珠两兄弟被控生产、销售有毒食品罪。

    Two brothers , Geng Jinping and Geng Jinzhu , who added melamine into raw milk , were charged with producing and selling poisonous food yesterday .

  17. 企业法人在国外开办企业或增设分支机构,应向原登记主管机关备案。

    Where an enterprise as a legal person established establishes a new enterprise or subsidiarybranch at abroad , it shall report to the original registration authority for recordfor lodgment .

  18. 公司董事、监事、经理发生变动的,应当向原公司登记机关备案。

    Where there is a change in the directors , supervisors or manager of a company , the company shall submit for record to the original company registration authority .

  19. 外商投资企业董事会成员发生变化的,应向原登记主管机关备案。

    Where the members of the board of directors of a foreign merchant investment-invested enterprise are altered , the enterprise shall report to the original registration authority for recordfor lodgment .

  20. 《自动进口许可证》如有遗失,收货人应当立即向原发证机构以及自动进口许可证证面注明的进口口岸地海关书面报告挂失。

    If Automatic Import License is lost , the consignees should report the loss of it to license issuing administrations and the customs of the import port indicated in the license .

  21. 组织机构依法注销、撤销时,应向原发证机关办理注销登记,并交回全部代码证。

    When an organization is to be nullified or dissolved according to law , it should register its cancellation at the original issuing authority , and return all the organization code certificates .

  22. 向原登记机构办理注销登记手续,缴回营业执照,同时对外公告

    " go through the formalities for nullifying its registration in the original registration office and hand in its Business license , at the same time , make an announcement to the public . "

  23. 今年迄今为止,投资者向原材料市场投入的资金已达创纪录水平,而随着他们解除杠杆头寸,逃入现金与短期美国国债及债券市场,大宗商品价格出现下跌。

    Commodities prices fell as investors , who have poured record amounts of money into raw materials so far this year , cut leverage and fled into cash and short-term US Treasuries and bonds .

  24. 首先在申请和受理阶段,提出了要放宽行政复议申请的条件,对行政复议申请书能否向原行政机关递交的问题作了比较细致的讨论。

    The first stage in the application and acceptance , proposed to relax the conditions of application for administrative reconsideration , the reconsideration of whether the original application submitted by the executive , gave a more detailed discussion .

  25. 公司依法购回股份后,应当在法律、行政法规规定的期限内,注销该部分股份,并向原公司登记机关申请办理注册资本变更登记。

    After buying back shares in accordance with the law , the company shall , within the period of time stipulated by laws and statutory regulations , cancel that portion of shares and shall apply to the original company registration authority to register the amendment .

  26. 为筛选选择性iNOS抑制剂类似物临床靶向治疗原发性肝细胞肝癌提供了初步的实验依据。

    This study provided a preliminary experimental evidence for the screening of iNOS inhibitor analogues in clinic therapy of HCC .

  27. 当用户在远离其HLR的不同VLR对应覆盖区域移动时,系统通过向其原VLR索取剩余鉴权数据或向其HLR申请新鉴权数据来实现用户的鉴权管理。

    When a user moves about different VLRs far away from its HLR , the system asks for residual authentication data from old VLR or new authentication data from HLR to realize authentication management .

  28. 她向他原原本本地转述了自己和医生的对话。

    She gave him a full account of her conversation with the doctor .

  29. 铁斋向浦原道歉,在他们能说其他东西前,真子突然尖叫。

    Tessai apologizes to Urahara and before they can speak more Shinji suddenly scream out .

  30. TACE联合分子靶向药物治疗原发性肝癌的研究进展

    Combination of TACE with molecularly targeted agent in management of advanced HCC