
  1. 那好吧,我说。我要把船开向岛北的水湾,慢慢地登上那里的海滩。

    All right , I agreed . We 'll go into North Inlet and quietly put her on the beach there .

  2. 电视台向岛上居民发送了暴风警报。

    The TV station communicated the stoma warning to the islanders .

  3. 鸟儿展开翅膀,向岛上飞去。

    Spreading her wings the bird headed for the island .

  4. 左转加速车道式分向岛大道向左分出一条岔路。

    Left turn acceleration lane island The main road branches off to the left .

  5. 可是,过了不久,有一种称为「东北风」的飓风,向岛上冲来。

    But not long after , there arose against it a tempestuous wind , called Euroaquilo .

  6. 大鼠丘脑腹后核小细胞部向岛皮质的投射&内脏性传入通路研究之一

    Projection to the insular cortex from the parvicellular ventroposterior nucleus of the thalamus in the rat

  7. 小艇因有向岛岸冲击的海浪推送,不一会就到了岛上。

    Carried by an inbound current , the longboat reached the island in a matter of moments .

  8. 中等横向加速转向运动左转加速车道式分向岛

    Left turn acceleration lane island

  9. 直到傍晚前的其它时间,我都在慢慢地向岛上高耸的山巅爬去。

    The rest of the day was spent slowly climbing the great peaks of this island until nightfall .

  10. 左转加减速-停储车道式分向岛火车进弯道时减慢了速度。

    Left turn accel-decel & storage lane island The train slowed down its speed as it went around the curve .

  11. 结果表明,稀土元素能破碎高铬铸铁中的碳化物,使碳化物由网状、条状向岛状、状过渡。

    The experimental results show that the carbides in high Cr cast iron can be refined and changed from net and long shapes into island and block ones .

  12. 因为那些偶尔上岛的野人,从来没有想在岛上找到什么东西,所以他们从不离开海岸向岛里走。

    For certain it is , that these savage people who sometimes haunted this island , never came with any thoughts of finding any thing here ; and consequently never wandered off from the coast ;

  13. 下了火车,我们上了罗斯先生的船,那船带着我们出海向岛驶去。船夫是个年轻人。他长着一头黑发,皮肤晒成了棕色。

    After the train , we went on Mr Ross 's boat , which took us out to the island . The boatman was a young man . He had dark hair and was brown from the sun .

  14. MVO向蒙特塞拉特岛的民防委员会提交了这个结论,后者在8月6日把它作为了终止疏散令的理由,并允许人们返回家园。

    The MVO submitted this conclusion to Montserrat 's civil protection committee , which , on6 August , used it as grounds to revoke the evacuation order and allow people back to their houses .

  15. 伊斯帕尼奥拉号向金银岛的航行开始了。

    The Hispaniola had begun her voyage to Treasure Island .

  16. 小艇向马纳尔岛前进,岛南部渐渐扩大。

    The skiff advanced toward Mannar Island , which curved to the south .

  17. 作为付过费用的委托人,他们向该岛总督提出申述。

    As paying clients they lodged a complaint with the Governor of the island .

  18. “风神”目前位于(菲律宾)群岛的中部,它将向度假岛长滩岛以北移动,之后进入南中国海。

    Fengshen is currently over the centre of the archipelago and will pass north of the holiday island of Boracay before moving out into the South China Sea .

  19. 嵊泗高压直流输电工程是一个典型非常规的弱受端动负荷海缆输电工程,从上海向嵊泗岛及宝钢马迹山码头供电。

    Shengsi HVDC project is an unconventional marine cable transmission with very weak receiving terminal and dynamic load , supplying power from shanghai to shengsi and Mar-jishan wharf of Bao-shan steel corporation .

  20. 后来它又被用来向格陵兰岛运送谷物以及向西班牙运送渔业产品,在1966年它还参加了安德鲁斯主演的《夏威夷》一片的拍摄。

    It ferried grain to Greenland and fish to Spain and was featured in the1966 movie " Hawaii " starring Julie Andrews , according to a Web site about previous owner R.Tucker Thompson .

  21. 与此同时,谢赫哈马德向该岛政府支付600万英镑,赔偿调查据认为造成的任何损害,但他继续否认自己犯有过错。

    At the same time , Sheikh Hamad paid the island 's authorities 6m to compensate for any damage " perceived to have been caused " by the investigation and he continued to deny any wrongdoing .

  22. 随着合成的超重元素向超重岛逼近,合成截面越来越小,同时,合成的超重元素的寿命可能相对增长,这对利用α衰变链的传统方法鉴别超重元素是非常不利的。

    With the synthesis of heavy elements approaching the super heavy island , the production cross section becomes smaller and the lifetime of the super heavy element becomes longer , which results in the difficulties for identification of the elements by using conventional alpha decay chain technique .

  23. 如今,马尔代夫政府已经禁止再向该岛倾倒垃圾,这主要是因为越来越多的垃圾船不愿等待7个小时甚至更久的时间卸货,而直接向海里“违法倾倒”。

    Now , the government of the Maldives has belatedly banned the dumping of waste on the island , due largely to an increase in the number of waste boats ' fly-tipping ' directly into the sea , fed up with waiting seven hours or more to offload their cargo .

  24. 我心中正想,尼摩船长简直粗心到发疯了,要把他的船走人杜蒙·居维尔的船几乎要沉没的险道中去。忽然它又第二次改变方向,正指着西方,向格波罗尔岛开行。

    I was already wondering if Captain Nemo , rash to the point of sheer insanity , wanted his ship to tackle the narrows where Dumont d'Urville 's two sloops of war had gone aground , when he changed direction a second time and cut straight to the west , heading toward Gueboroa Island .

  25. 当强大的台风向日本冲绳岛南部移动的时候,给日本带来了破坏性的狂风巨浪。

    Japan was bracing for destructive winds and huge waves as a powerful typhoon moved towards its southern island of Okinawa .

  26. 译文:华盛顿所率领的乌合之众要抗击的是当时全世界装备最精良,战斗力最强的军队。6月29日,45艘英国战舰向斯塔滕岛进发,浩浩荡荡向纽约逼近。

    TEXT : Washington 's ragtag troops are about to face he best-equipped and most powerful fighting force in the world.June 29th . 45 British warships mass off Staten Island .

  27. 海南要实现向国际旅游岛、自由贸易区的目标迈进,关键是要培养高素质的人才和劳动大军,这是海南实现经济腾飞最可靠的保证。

    It is the most dependable guarantee for Hainan to realize the jumping of economy , when it wants to achieve the goals for international travel island and free trading area , for which the key is cultivating high quality personnel and laborers .

  28. 泄漏的油开始向北部的达森岛(DassenIsland)漂移,当时救援者们都快绝望了,因为他们知道一旦那些油漂到达森岛,新被污染的企鹅将得不到及时的救助。当时我们真有点黔驴技穷的感觉。

    The oil slick was now moving north towards Dassen Island , and the rescuers despaired , because they knew if the oil hit , it would not be possible to rescue any more oiled birds .

  29. 一千多年前波里尼西亚人向该州各岛殖民。

    A thousand years ago polynesians to state every island settlement .

  30. 7月15日,这个钻井平台开始向北面的海南岛移动。

    The rig began moving north , toward Hainan Island in China , on July 15 .