
qí qiū
  • dolphin;dolphinfish;dorado;coryphaena hippurus
鲯鳅 [qí qiū]
  • [dolphin;dolphinfish] 一种鱼,身体长而侧扁,黑褐色,头大,眼小,生活在海洋中

鲯鳅[qí qiū]
  1. 这群鲯鳅真大啊,他想。

    It is a big school of dolphin , he thought .

  2. 不过话得说回来,我是直到太阳快落山时才钓到这条鲯鳅的。

    But then I did not hook the dolphin until almost sunset .

  3. 鲯鳅(CoryphaenahippurusLinnaeus)的生物学特性和养殖方法

    Biological Characteristics and Culture Methods of Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus

  4. 鲯鳅在水里当然看上去是绿色的,因为它们实在是金黄色的。

    The dolphin looks green of course because he is really golden .

  5. 我看这儿除了鲯鳅,也逮不到什么别的东西。

    I don 't think I can get anything but a dolphin here .

  6. 明天我将吃那条鲯鳅。

    Tomorrow I will eat the dolphin .

  7. 至少,它会让你在点鲯鳅鱼之前再考虑一下。

    If nothing else , it will make you think twice before ordering mahi-mahi again .

  8. 最好稍等一会儿再把这鲯鳅开肠剖肚,这样可以让鲜血留在鱼肉里,他想。

    It would be better to gut the dolphin a little later to save the blood in the meat , he thought .

  9. 不管出什么事,我必须把这鲯鳅开膛剖肚,免得坏掉,并且吃一点长长力气。

    No matter what passes I must gut the dolphin so he does not spoil and eat some of him to be strong .

  10. 老人看见那些大鲯鳅跟在那脱逃的鱼后面,把海面弄得微微隆起。

    The old man could see the slight bulge in the water that the big dolphin raised as they followed the escaping fish .

  11. 他想到这里,明白自己的头脑不怎么清醒了,他想起应该再吃一点鲯鳅。

    When he thought that he knew that he was not being clear-headed and he thought he should chew some more of the dolphin .

  12. 他被拉得紧靠在船头上,脸庞贴在那爿切下的鲯鳅肉上,他没法动弹。

    He had been pulled down tight onto the bow and his face was in the cut slice of dolphin and he could not move .

  13. 为我们抓住了一条漂亮的大鲯鳅鱼,这是我在三个月以来吃到的最好吃的东西。

    caught us a beautiful , big mahi-mahi , which was the best food I 'd had in , ooh , at least three months .

  14. 从那里朝下望,鲯鳅的颜色更绿,你能看清它们身上的条纹和紫色斑点,你可以看见它们整整一群在游水。

    The dolphin look greener from there and you can see their stripes and their purple spots and you can see all of the school as they swim .

  15. 鲯鳅在飞掠的鱼下面破水而行,只等飞鱼一掉下,就飞快地钻进水里。

    The dolphin were cutting through the water below the flight of the fish and would be in the water , driving at speed , when the fish dropped .

  16. 星星这时很明亮,他清楚地看见那条鲯鳅,就把刀刃扎进它的头部,把它从船梢下拉出来。

    The stars were bright now and he saw the dolphin clearly and he pushed the blade of his knife into his head and drew him out from under the stern .

  17. 鲯鳅是冰冷的,这时在星光里显得像麻风病患者般灰白,老人用右脚踩住鱼头,剥下鱼身上一边的皮。

    The dolphin was cold and a leprous gray-white now in the starlight and the old man skinned one side of him while he held his right foot on the fish 's head .

  18. 老人这时用他的左手和肩膀拽住了它,弯下身去,用右手舀水洗掉粘在脸上的压烂的鲯鳅肉。

    The old man held him with his left hand and his shoulders now and stooped down and scooped up water in his right hand to get the crushed dolphin flesh off his face .

  19. “它越来越累了,要不就是在休息,”老人说。“现在我来把这鲯鳅全吃了,休息一下,睡一会儿吧。”

    " He is tiring or he is resting ," the old man said . " Now let me get through the eating of this dolphin and get some rest and a little sleep . "
