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chī guān si
  • be sued;involve in a legal action
吃官司 [chī guān sī]
  • [be sued;involve in a legal action] 受控获罪服刑或受其他裁处

  • 送到临安府去吃官司。--《宋人话本》

吃官司[chī guān si]
  1. 要是他们发现了,我们要吃官司的。

    And if they find it , we got a lawsuit .

  2. 为了不让那些文件使你吃官司。

    He convinced them not to file charges against you .

  3. 如果你还是那样胡闹下去,你是要吃官司的。

    If you behave in that way , you 'll be had up .

  4. 一个即将在法院吃官司被要求进行损失赔偿的殖民地居民。

    A colonial , who had a case for damages impending at the law courts .

  5. 你就不能炒她否则你就会吃官司的

    You cannot fire her . You 'll have a big lawsuit on your hands .

  6. 第一个错误是一开始就没有为了免吃官司而做好必要的计划。

    The first is a failure to do the planning necessary to avoid lawsuits in the first place .

  7. 我们从树上跌落,皮开肉绽,折断四肢,打碎牙齿,但无人因此吃官司。

    We tumbled down from the trees , cut ourselves , broke limbs , whilst knocking out teeth , but no one was sued after such accidents .

  8. 你不公正地给出贬低的评价可能会引来前任雇员的起诉;而向别人推荐在你这里表现极差的人同样也可能会让你吃官司。

    A reference in which you are unfairly damning can result in a suit from the old employee ; one where you recommend someone who did a terrible job for you can land you in court too .

  9. 斯蒂尔斯失踪了,而其余你的那些黑条子兄弟都吃了官司蹲了号。

    Stills is missing , and the rest of your dirty cop friends are in jail .