
chī sù
  • be a vegetarian;abstain from eating meat;avoid eating meat and fish
吃素 [chī sù]
  • [be a vegetarian] 不吃鱼肉等荤腥食物

吃素[chī sù]
  1. 动内容:每个周一的中午或者晚上建议吃素。

    Active content : Each Monday 's noon or the evening suggests to be a vegetarian .

  2. 如果你不能吃素,问这些问题只是浪费时间。

    If you cannot be a vegetarian , you 're just wasting our time with these questions .

  3. 他老把自己吃素挂在嘴边。

    He 's always spouting off about being a vegetarian .

  4. 越来越多的人开始吃素了。

    A growing number of people are going vegetarian .

  5. 他改吃素了。

    He 's turned veggie .

  6. 吃素也可以吃得很可口,烹饪也容易,并且有益健康。

    Going veggie can be tasty , easy and healthy too .

  7. 我坚持严格吃素已很久了。

    I 'd been vegan for a long time .

  8. 他吃素,已经6年不知肉味了。

    His diet is vegetarian , and he hasn 't touched meat for six years

  9. 老太太吃素,从不碰肉食。

    The old lady is a vegetarian and never touches meat .

  10. 所以人们必须吃素。

    So people have to be vegetarians .

  11. 一名参与者梦见一条吃素的鳄鱼因为无法吃小孩而感到苦恼,另一名参与者则梦见用小猫而非枪支打仗的士兵。

    One participant detailed5 dreaming about a vegetarian6 crocodile who was distressed7 about not being able to eat children , while another dreamed of soldiers who fought with kittens instead of guns .

  12. 纯素食者的B12缺失发生率比不吃素的人高。

    The prevalence of Vitamin B12 deficiency is higher in vegans than in omnivores .

  13. Bradford的气候变化经济学家LordStern,去年10月称吃素对我们的星球是有益的。

    Lord Stern of Bradford , the climate change economist , claimed last October that a vegetarian diet was beneficial to the planet .

  14. 南安普顿大学一支研究团队发现,那些30岁之前开始吃素的人中,10岁时iq平均高了五分。

    Southampton University team found those who were vegetarian by30 had recorded five IQ points more on average at the age of10 .

  15. 几个礼拜前,美国德克萨斯州的大厨TimLove走访了CNN的5对5热坐,并且解释了为何吃肉为“酷”,而吃素不“酷”。

    A couple of weeks ago , Texan chef Tim Love paid a visit to the5 @ 5 hot seat to explain why eating meat is rad and being vegetarian , well , isn 't.

  16. 研究人员发现,把所有这些因素都考虑进去,普通美国人若要降低全球暖化的废气排量,吃素会比换开Prius更为有效。

    The researchers found that , when it 's all added up , the average American does more to reduce global warming emissions by going vegetarian than by switching to a Prius .

  17. 在中国历史上,吃素一直被视为某些文人墨客所选择的清淡生活的一种方式,如14世纪的诗人林鸿(LinHong),他的著作PureOfferingsofaMountainHermit中就收录了很多素餐烹制法;

    Historically , an element of vegetarianism has been seen as part of the simple lifestyle chosen by a certain type of Chinese scholar , such as the 13th-century poet Lin Hong , whose " Pure Offerings of a Mountain Hermit " includes many vegetarian recipes .

  18. 我吃素,偶尔也吃鱼。

    Oh , I 'm a vegetarian . Except for fish .

  19. 宠物吃素!困难吗?

    Is it difficult switching pets to a vegetarian diet ?

  20. 叫你去啦,他正在跟你一样吃素。

    Give him you . he 's on the South bitch diet .

  21. 我从那时候起吃素六年,但之后又放弃了。

    I was vegetarian for about six years but then gave up .

  22. 我们全家人也因为吃素而更健康。

    And my family is all the healthier for it .

  23. 安穆立特:放轻松,妈,朱莉亚吃素。

    Amrit : relax mom , julia 's a vegetarian .

  24. 阿狼是吃素的,怎会有肉呢?

    Long is a vegetarian why would there be meat ?

  25. 我以前开始吃素时,就是这种感觉。

    This is exactly how I felt when I started .

  26. 我朋友中不少人吃素。

    Not a few of my friends are vegetarian .

  27. 托比·马奎尔已经吃素十四年了!

    Tobey Maguire has been a vegetarian for14 years !

  28. 看见这个我宁可一辈子吃素。

    This is enough to make me go vegan .

  29. 我也吃素。

    You know , ' cause I 'm a vegetarian too . Oh .

  30. 为了预防癌症,很多人选择吃素。

    Many people switch to a vegan diet to help with cancer prevention .