
  • 网络beauty of personality
  1. 谈《诗经》的人格美理想

    On the Beauty of Personality Ideals in the book of Songs

  2. 柳宗元山水游记中的人格美

    The Beauty of Personality in Liu Zong-yuan 's Travel Notes

  3. 文学作品、审美教育和人格美

    Quality Education in English Teaching-Literature , Aesthetic Education and Personality Perfection

  4. 论孟子人格美的服饰美学思想

    On the Aesthetics Thought of Finery of Mencius in Personality Beauty

  5. 论融会山水画与人格美的山水精神

    On the Spirit Integrating Mountain & water Painting and Personality Beauty

  6. 杨绛散文的人格美

    The Characters ' Aesthetic Perception in the Prose by Yang Jiang

  7. 舞蹈在塑造大学生的人格美、精神美等方面有独特的功能。

    So dancing has special charming power and features of its own .

  8. 论《读者》灵魂人物的人格美

    PERSONAGE Aesthetic Personality of the Soul of " Readers "

  9. 简论朱熹的人格美思想

    An Outline on Chu-Hsi 's Thoughts of the Characteristic Beauty

  10. 儒家要求人格美既要包括内在精神情操的美,同时还要有外在仪表风度的美;

    The inherent beauty is as important as the extrinsic for Confucianism .

  11. 论大学美育和专业人格美的塑造

    On the Relation of College Aesthetic Education and Professional Personality

  12. 对体育人格美的社会文化层面思辨

    Considerations on beauty of sports personality from the aspect of social culture

  13. 孟、荀的人格美理论和审美追求

    Meng and Xun 's Theory of Personality Beauty and the Aesthetic Pursuit

  14. 论魏晋士人的人格美观念

    Comment on the Wei Jin Literary Man Personality Beautiful Idea

  15. 大学生在对体育运动人格美的认知上具有较高的近似性。

    College students have the most same cognition on personality beauty to P.

  16. 要通过丰富多彩的合唱艺术实践活动,塑造大学生的人格美。

    The colourful chorus art practices can create students ' beauty of personality .

  17. 浅谈合唱教学与大学生人格美的塑造

    The chorus teaching and the creation of college students ' beauty of personality

  18. 培养和塑造大学生的人格美

    Cultivating and Modeling Personality Beauty of the College Students

  19. 人格美是人的美的灵魂。

    Beauty of personality is the spirit of man .

  20. 从儒、道思想看人格美

    From the Thinking of Confucianism and Taoism to See the Beauty of Personality

  21. 孟子的人格美论及其现代价值

    Mencius'view About Beauty of Personality and Its Modern Value

  22. 第三章是对卢梭人格美思想进行的论述。

    The third chapter is elaboration which carries on to personality aesthetic thought of Rousseau .

  23. 大学生身体美、运动美和人格美认知的调查分析

    Research and Analysis of College Students ' Recognition of Physical Beauty , Sporting Beauty and Personality Beauty

  24. 刚健以气势的充溢博大而动人心魄,它是一种明朗而圣洁的精神人格美,是一种自强不息、德比天地的人生理想境界。

    Energy is a noble beauty of soul and character , which is an ideal realm of life .

  25. 人体美、技术美、人格美是构成体育之美的基本要素。

    The charms of the body , skills and character constitute the basic elements of the athletic beauty .

  26. 合唱教学是塑造大学生人格美的有效途径。

    The chorus teaching is the effective approach for the creation of college students ' beauty of personality .

  27. 真诚面对观众&电视节目应有的主体人格美

    Facing the Audience Sincerely

  28. 论合唱艺术对大学生人格美的塑造合唱艺术涵盖的美感

    The Beautification Effect of Chorus Art on the Personality of College Students Beauty in the art of chorus

  29. 而四端的扩充形成的“浩然之气”,则成为孟子衡量人格美的主要标准。

    And the great verve formed by the development of this sprouts became his major standard of measuring personality .

  30. 本文还提出了生命品格的建构,除了人格美外,还应有体格美、神格美。

    This paper proposes that the construction of life quality should include constitution and spirit besides the beauty of personality .