
  • man and beast;Men and Beasts
  1. 狮子的家在亚洲和非洲的丛林中。在那里他是人与兽的噩梦。

    The home of the lion is in the forests of Asia and Africa , where he is a terror to man and beast .

  2. 因此,必须以兽的形象来让儿童得以分辨人与兽的区别,促进儿童理性的生成,让儿童认识自己,认识人类。

    Therefore , the images of the beasts is needed to help children get the difference between man and beast , to form rationality in children , and to help them to know themselves and human beings .

  3. 人与兽:怪物凯列班形象新论

    Man and Monster : New Critiques on the Image of Monster Caliban

  4. 人与兽的纠葛

    Entanglement of " Human " and " Beast "

  5. 这些指南适用于人用药与兽用药所用原料药的生产。

    These guidelines apply to the manufacture of active substances for medicinal products for both human and veterinary use .

  6. 他们中的许多人拥有与兽共舞的天分,因而能赢得数千美元的奖金。

    Many of them have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes .

  7. 另外一种说法是从“全尸”考虑的,说是恐怕人尸与兽革混杂一处而不能辨别。

    Another argument is " full of dead bodies " consider that the fear of man and beast leather corpse can not distinguish a hybrid .

  8. 在人与人或人与兽战争格斗时,为求生存,游泳是最基本的技能。

    Swimming was the basic skill to survive in the fight with other people or beasts .