
chī huí tóu cǎo
  • graze on old grass—take back what one has discarded
  1. 约翰·特纳(JohnTurner)吃回头草仅用一年半的时间。

    John Turner 's U-turn took just 18 months .

  2. “好马不吃回头草”怎么用英语说?

    Good horses don 't eat grass beyond it 's ass !

  3. 好马不吃回头草。

    Grass does not back a good horse .

  4. 李湘已离婚急吃回头草旧爱竟是房地产老板?

    Li Hsiang divorced looking for love was anxious to eat real estate boss ?

  5. 好马不吃回头草,是有他道理的。

    The good horse does not keep resuming things given up , has his truth .

  6. 既然吃回头草利弊参半,那么如何选择就显得格外重要。

    Now go back to eating grass-edged sword , then how to choose becomes more important .

  7. 职场上吃回头草是人们避之唯恐不及的事情,可能显得不可理喻,但它还是可行的。

    While it may seem inconceivable , it is possible to make the dreaded employment U-turn .

  8. 出于以上的原因,大部分职业生涯顾问都认为吃回头草不是一个好的决定。

    For these reasons , most career advisors agree that it 's not a good idea to accept a counteroffer .

  9. 英国烹饪作家奈杰拉。劳森:节食就像男友:吃回头草根本不管用。

    Nigella Lawson & British cookery writer : Diets are like boyfriends-it never really works to go back to them .

  10. 其他作渔夫的门徒,还可以有机会重操旧业,但马太放弃他的工作后,便再不能吃回头草了。

    The other disciples could go back to their fishing , but Matthew could never have returned to his tax office .

  11. 戴蒙说,要成功地吃回头草,有一个条件便是解释辞职以来,员工哪些方面发生了变化。

    One criterion for a successful U-turn , Mr. Damon says , is to explain what has changed since the employee quit .

  12. 但据中国供应商最新的报告称,这家总部位于库比蒂诺的公司可能要吃回头草。

    But according to the latest report coming from supply chain sources in China , the Cupertino-based firm might be doing a U turn .

  13. 人们常说,好马不吃回头草,但如果是好草,为什么不吃呢?

    It is often said , a good horse does not eat back to grass , but if the grass is good , why eat it ?

  14. 如果你想清楚了,并已做好了吃回头草的打算,就一定要舍得放弃一点自我,但决不是委曲求全,我们会有办法帮助你稳操胜券!

    If you want to clear , and has good intention of eating grass back , they must be willing to give up a little self , but by no means make compromises , we will have to help you sure of success !

  15. 如何吃得“回头草”?

    How to eat ," back to grass "?

  16. 老板啊老板,你但知道“兔子不吃窝边草”,却不知“好马不吃回头草”。

    A good horse will not turn back to crop the old grass .