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chī lì
  • laborious;be a strain;painful;strenuous;entail strenuous effort
吃力 [chī lì]
  • [painful;be a strain] 劳累;艰难,费劲

  • 在这种吃力的接待气氛中感到很不舒服

吃力[chī lì]
  1. 土星过境的时间会有些吃力。

    Saturn periods are known to be somewhat strenuous .

  2. 一些语文老师感觉讲课吃力、感觉授课没什么激情,他们抱怨学生都不想听他们的课。

    Some language teachers felt teaching is strenuous , the feeling does not teach any fervor , they complained the students all do not want to listen to their class .

  3. 我背着几个沉重的包吃力地爬上山去。

    I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags .

  4. 他们吃力地爬过了绝壁脚下的巨石。

    They clambered over the rocks at the foot of the cliff .

  5. 老旧的汽车吃力地向前爬,把我们缓缓地拖上了山坡。

    The old car pulled hard as we drove slowly up the hill .

  6. 我们每走什么地方她都慢慢腾腾吃力地跟在后面。

    She always drags behind when we walk anywhere .

  7. 他们冒着雨疲惫而吃力地走回家。

    They wearily plodded home through the rain .

  8. 休吃力地爬上床。

    Sue climbed into bed .

  9. 我匆忙装好食品篮,吃力地把它拎上车子。

    I hastily packed the hamper and lugged it to the car .

  10. 她顺利地通过数学考试,而他却异常地吃力。

    While she sailed through her maths exams , he struggled

  11. 他身穿一件灰色西装,吃力地拄着拐杖。

    He wore a grey suit and leaned heavily on his cane .

  12. 麦金尼斯吃力地从椅子上站起来,摇摇晃晃地走到了窗前。

    McGinnis pushed himself laboriously out of the chair and waddled to the window

  13. 风帆冲浪可能紧张吃力,但却非常刺激。

    Wind surfing can be strenuous but immensely exciting

  14. 我听到门闩被缓慢而吃力地拉开的声音。

    I heard the sound of a bolt being slowly and reluctantly slid open .

  15. 他吃力地从出租车里爬了出来。

    He climbed down from the cab .

  16. 足球裁判的工作吃力不讨好。

    Soccer referees have a thankless task .

  17. 他吃力地站了起来。

    He hauled himself to his feet

  18. 我上学总是很吃力。我讨厌学习,觉得太难了。

    I 'd always struggled at school . I hated it and felt out of my depth .

  19. 可怜的老妇人吃力地走着,几乎都抬不动脚了。

    The poor old woman plodded along , hardly able to lift each foot .

  20. 他们吃力地走过了树林。

    They tramped through the wood .

  21. 我觉得上坡吃力。

    I found it hard to go up the slope .

  22. 他学习吃力。

    He has difficulty in his studies .

  23. 要是你想帮助他这个人,那将是吃力不讨好。

    If you try to help him , you will be a fool for your pains .

  24. 我跑了一天路,感到很吃力。

    After a long day 's journey , I felt exhausted .

  25. 距离好像无穷无尽似的,走起来真够吃力。

    The distance seemed interminable , and the walk was most laborious .

  26. 他身体好,干这点儿活儿不算吃力。

    He 's strong so this bit of work won 't strain him .

  27. 那是一件吃力不讨好的事情,所以我们很快就不让他做了。

    It was a thankless job , so we choked him off before long .

  28. 在他读中学的头几年,加布里埃尔看着学音乐的学生带着沉重的乐器箱在校园里吃力地行走,内心对他们充满了怜悯。

    In his first years of high school , Gabriel would look pityingly at music students , struggling across the campus with their heavy instrument cases .

  29. 她吃力地跋涉,schlepps、trains、drags、trascines重荷

    She trudges , schlepps , trains , drags , trascines her load .

  30. 她吃力地捧着一大堆包裹

    She was burdened with a large quantity of parcels .