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  1. 西医东渐后我国近代的女子医学教育

    Modern woman medical education in China after the introduction of western medicine

  2. 第二次逻辑东渐后,西方逻辑思想逐渐介绍到中国。

    After second logic east , western logical thought gradually introduced to China .

  3. 苏东剧变后古巴的形势及内外政策关于当前宏观经济形势和宏观经济政策

    Cuba without the Soviet union : situations and policies current macroeconomic situations and policies

  4. 苏东剧变后印度社会主义运动的发展及其启示

    The Development of Indian Socialist Movement after the Dismantling of Socialism in Soviet Union and East Europe and Its Inspiration

  5. 苏东剧变后,世界社会主义运动陷入低潮。

    In the aftermath of drastic changes in Eastern Europe , socialist movements around the world sank into a low tide .

  6. 苏东剧变后,全球社会主义运动遭遇重大挫折。

    After the drastic change of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe , the global socialist sport meets with the great setback .

  7. 西气东输后,由于气价相对来说较为便宜,忽然把潜在的消费需求带动起来了。

    On the one hand , after gas transmission from west to east , potential consumption demand was stimulated at once because of relatively cheaper gas in price .

  8. 英国人东来后,澳门成为中英关系、中葡关系、英葡关系聚集的焦点。

    And then , it became the focus of the relationships between China and England , China and Portugal , and also between England and Portugal after the Englishmen came .

  9. 因此可以说,中国并非西人东来后才被动走向世界,而是为了获取白银,主动参与了世界。

    Therefore may say , after east the Chinese westerners comes the only then passive trend world by no means , but is for gain the silver , participated in the world on own initiative .

  10. 另外,社会主义力量在苏东剧变后受到了重创,所以什么是社会主义,如何建设社会主义的重新探索也提上了日程。

    In addition , the force of socialism has been hit after the drastic changes of the Soviet Union and East . So what is real socialism and how to build socialism were repute on the agenda .

  11. 方法:用Blis法和Brownle序贯法分别测定不同比例东莨菪碱与氯丙嗪组合成不同比例东氯合剂后对小鼠、大鼠的半数致死量(LD50)。

    METHOD : We detected median lethal dose ( LD 50 ) of mixture of scopolamine ( SCO ) and chlorpromazine ( CPZ ) in the different dose to mice and rats by Bliss and Brownlee sequential trial .

  12. 广西渔业基地东防波堤建成后,出现泥沙淤积现象。

    Some years later after the fisheries base was built , sediment movement took place .

  13. 星力动漫产业园落户东环街后,极大地带动了东环街经济的发展。

    Star power animation industrial park located in East Central Street , the greatly boosted the economic development of East Central Street .

  14. 潜在蒸散量自西向东先增加后减少,实际蒸散随海拔升高先降低再增大。

    Potential evapotranspiration increased first and reduced later from the west to the east , but evapotranspiration decreased first and increased last with elevation .

  15. 通过对天然气的利用现状和前景的分析,论述了天然气利用的重要性,展望了川渝气区天然气东送入鄂后湖北省天然气的利用前景。

    Current situation and future for the utilization of natural gas is analyzed . Prospects for expected natural gas from Sichuan to Hubei is discussed .

  16. 结合有关矿床形成的年代学资料,认为水泉沟碱性杂岩仅仅作为金矿床的围岩,与东坪和后沟等金矿床之间不存在直接的成因联系。

    These analysis and chronological data of the gold deposits in the area reveal that although the alkali complex hosts gold deposits ( e.g.Dongping and Hougou ), no direct genetic links between them .

  17. 王维是盛唐山水田园诗歌文学的代表诗人,他的诗歌东传到朝鲜后,在申纬身上产生了很大的接受效应。

    Wang Wei is a representative of Scenic and Pastoral Poetry Literature in the High Tang period with his prolific poems , which passed on eastward to Korea and greatly influenced a Korean poet , Sin Wi .

  18. 东挖西掘后留下了一片废弃的矿坑。

    All that digging had left a network of abandoned mines and tunnels .

  19. 东昆仑造山带后碰撞花岗岩岩石地球化学和~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar同位素年代学约束

    Constraints of Petrochemistry and ~ ( 40 ) Ar / ~ ( 39 ) Ar aging of post-collision granites in Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt

  20. 西气东输建成投产后,消费市场呈现爆发性增长。

    After the West-to-east gas transmission was put into use , consumption market takes on explosive growth .

  21. 多次海侵和海泛沿着这一海湾由东向西至鸡西后向南和向北,并可能向西扩散。

    Marine transgression and sea flooding happened many times along the embayment from east to west , and the sea water spread north and southward and even probably westward from Jixi Basin .

  22. 冲断带从西向东依次划分为后山带、前山带和山前带三个带,盆地从北到南分为北段、中段、南段三块。

    The belts include the back mountain belt , the front mountain belt and the fore mountain belt . The blocks include the north block , the middle block and the south block .

  23. 构造&岩浆事件并未因板块会聚过程的终结而停止,东天山地区碰撞后拉张是非常重要的构造事件,不仅有大规模的岩浆作用,而且形成了大量与岩浆作用有关的有色、贵金属矿产。

    Tectonomagmatic activities did not stop because of convergent effect between the plates in East Tianshan region , and post-orogenic extension is very common with large scale of intraplate magmatism and nonferrous and noble metallic mineralization related to magmatism ;