
  • 网络galega orientalis;Galega Orientalis L
  1. 东方山羊豆在俄罗斯的研究和应用

    The research and utilization of Galega orientalis in Russia

  2. 东方山羊豆液泡膜Na~+/H~+逆向转运蛋白基因的克隆、表达分析和遗传转化

    Cloning , Expression and Genetic Transformation of a Vacuolar Na ~ + / H ~ + Antiporter Gene in Galega Orientalis

  3. 结果表明:在低温胁迫下,东方山羊豆及敖汉苜蓿脯氨酸含量、SOD、POD活性、可溶性蛋白含量先上升后下降。

    The results showed that the low temperature stress treatment resulted in the activities of SOD and POD , the content of proline , soluble protein were increased and then declined .

  4. 东方山羊豆Galegaorientalis是近年来东欧和俄罗斯等国家广泛推广的豆科多年生饲用植物,因饲用价值高、抗逆性强、高产而倍受关注。

    Galega orientalis is a perennial legume forage with high feed value , stress tolerance and yield , widely extended in eastern Europe and Russia .

  5. 东方山羊豆(Galegaorientalis)作为一个引进的重要牧草品种,在很多方面表现出优越的性能,但在其推广区域由于土壤盐渍化的影响,使其大面积种植受到了很大的限制。

    Galega orientalis is an important forage introduced species , in many ways to show superior performance , but in the promotion of regional impact due to soil salinization , to a large area planted under a lot of restrictions .

  6. 东方山羊豆的生物学特性与栽培技术

    Biological Characteristics and Planting Technology of Goat ′ s-rue Oriental Garments

  7. 本研究旨在通过克隆和分离与东方山羊豆盐诱导相关基因,为揭示东方山羊豆耐盐分子机制,以及其耐盐育种提供基础。

    Our study is to clone and split with the Galega orientalis salt-induced genes , in order to reveal the molecular mechanism of salt tolerance of Galega orientalis , and provide the basis for their salt tolerance breeding .