
  • 网络Subterranean clover
  1. 本文是利用地三叶草作为测试品种,用粤北示范牧场的表土进行的镁、石灰、硼2×2×2多因子盆栽试验。

    Using subterranean clover ( Trifollum subterraneum ) CV Nungarin as a test species , a 2 × 2 × 2 factori - al pot experiment with Mg , Lime , and B treatments on surface soil collected from lechang Model cattle Farm .

  2. 伸向田野,一地三叶草

    Leans to the field and scatters n the clover

  3. 铜尾矿废弃地重金属污染对三叶草幼苗生长和植物&土壤酶系统影响的研究

    Effects of Heavy Metals Pollution on the Seedling Growth and Plant-soil Enzyme System of Trifolium Repens in Copper Tail Mining Wasteland