
  • 网络stubble remaining;toothing
  1. 小麦高留茬田间水分效应研究

    Study of Field Water Effect under Wheat Stubble Remaining

  2. 免耕与留茬对土壤微生物量C、N及酶活性的影响

    Influence of non-tillage and stubble on soil microbial biomass and enzyme activities in rain-fed field of Inner Mongolia

  3. 6月不同留茬高度刈割处理及CK,在6~8月期间的再生草量差异不显著。

    The grass yields of regrowth were not significantly different among stubble height treatments from June to August .

  4. 不同C源对外源N土壤微生物固持的影响免耕与留茬对土壤微生物量C、N及酶活性的影响

    The Effect of Different C Sources on Microbe Immobilization by Supplemental N ; Influence of non-tillage and stubble on soil microbial biomass and enzyme activities in rain-fed field of Inner Mongolia

  5. 留茬30cm再生草的粗蛋白和无氮浸出物含量较高,粗灰分和酸性洗涤纤维含量较低。

    The crude protein content and nitrogen free extract content of the regrowth of treatment ⅱ were higher , while the crude ashes content and acid detergent fiber content were reverse .

  6. 带状留茬间作农田防风效应的原位测试研究

    In-situ Testing Study on Wind-protecting Effect of Intercropping Stripes Stubble Cropland

  7. 作物留茬地输沙量与耕翻地差异不显著;

    No distinct difference between stubble land and cultivate land .

  8. 人工降雨条件下谷子地留茬的水土保持效应研究

    Effects of Stubble Application on Soil and Water Loss Under Simulated Rainfall

  9. 水稻高留茬还田的土壤培肥作用

    Action of higher rice stubble on improving soil fertility

  10. 所以,较适合双城地区的耕作方式为留茬免耕。

    The tillage method suitable for Shuangcheng County was no-tillage plus stubble mulching .

  11. 紫花苜蓿不同留茬高度对分枝性能及产草量的影响

    Effects of different stubble height to the branching and forage yield in Alfalfa

  12. 留茬高度与刈割时期对墨西哥玉米再生性能的影响

    Effects of Stubble Height and Clipping Stage on Regrowth Performances of Zea mexicana

  13. 农田休闲期作物留茬对近地表风场的影响

    Effect of crop stubble on wind field above field surface during fallow period of cropland

  14. 播量及修剪留茬高度对草地早熟禾草坪蒸散量的影响

    The Influence of Seed Quantity and Mowing Height on the Evapo transpiration of Kentucky Bluegrass

  15. 而其中有效的留茬和秸秆的管理是保护性耕作成功的关键。

    The effective management of stubbles and residues is the key to successful conservation tillage .

  16. 坡度对产流产沙过程的影响要大于留茬高度对产流产沙过程的影响。

    The slope gradient has greater influence on runoff and sediment yield processes than stubble height .

  17. 留茬覆盖储水灌溉对豌豆出苗及水分利用效率的影响

    Effects of Storage Irrigation with Stubble Mulch on Seed Germination and Water Use Efficiency of Pea

  18. 天然割草场群落和种群的留茬高度与损耗率之间关系的研究

    Study on the relationships of the stubble height of the Mowing Grassland with the lost proportion

  19. 苜蓿最后一次刈割的适宜时间及适宜留茬高度的研究

    The Research on the Suitable Time of the Alfalfa Final Cutting and the Stubble Height Reserving

  20. 不同刈割周期、留茬高度对4种柱花草属牧草产量的影响

    Effect of Cutting Cycle and Stubble Height on Forage Yield of Four Varieties of Stylosanthes guianensis

  21. 普那菊苣留茬高度试验初报

    Stubble Height of Puna Chicory

  22. 本项研究采用3种不同的刈割次数处理和7种不同的留茬高度处理。

    There are 3 treatments of cutting frequency and 7 treatments of cutting height in this study .

  23. 玉米留茬地比耕翻地增加了194.11%,与对照差异显著。

    While the wind erosion of the stubble land of corn is 194.11 % more than CK .

  24. 绿洲灌区留茬覆盖免耕储水灌溉在休闲期的节水效应

    Effect of no-till with stubble mulch on water saving under storage irrigation during fallow in the Hexi oasis

  25. 割草区营养元素的贮量多数低于对照区,割取部分多数高于留茬部分。

    The storing amount of nutrient elements in the mowing area are generally lower than the contrast area .

  26. 免耕高留茬抛秧对稻田土壤肥力和微生物群落的影响

    Effects of returning straw to soil and different tillage methods on paddy field soil fertility and microbial population

  27. 因此,氮素营养和留茬高度是影响其产量和品质的关键因素。

    Therefore , the nitrogen nutrition and the stubble altitude play important roles on its output and quality .

  28. 探讨了秋收后玉米地灭茬、灭茬后覆膜、留茬等不同处理方式对春播前土壤含水量的影响;

    The effect of different farming treatments with cornfields after autumn on soil moisture before spring sowing was discussed .

  29. 留茬覆盖免耕保护性耕作对土壤微生物量碳和有机质含量的影响营地所在地被各种各样的残骸碎物覆盖著

    Effects of Conservation Tillage with Straw Cover or Straw Standing on the Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon and Organic Matter

  30. 刈割期和留茬高度对新麦草产草量及品质的影响

    The Effect of Different Stubble Heights and First Clipping Period on the Yield and Quality of Russian Wildrye Pasture