
liú xué
  • study abroad;go abroad for further study
留学 [liú xué]
  • [study abroad; go abroad for further study] 到外国学习或研究

留学[liú xué]
  1. 关于出国留学问题,最近有了某些新规定。

    Certain new regulations concerning study abroad have been announced recently .

  2. 很多中国学生可能想在高中毕业后出国留学。

    Many Chinese students may want to study abroad after high school .

  3. 华威大学约有550名外国留学生。

    Warwick is home to some 550 international students

  4. 海外留学对他来说是一种有益的经历。

    Studying overseas has been a positive experience for him .

  5. 她一想到要出国留学就感到害怕。

    She felt daunted by the prospect of studying abroad .

  6. 现在有很多外国留学生来中国学习汉语。

    There are many overseas students now coming to China to study Chinese .

  7. 她正面临着选择结婚还是出国留学的两难境地。

    She is faced with the dilemma of choosing between marriage and studying abroad .

  8. 该公司为有海外留学经历的员工提供大量升职机会。

    That company provides abundant / plentiful promotion opportunities for staff with overseas education experience .

  9. 在北京学习的外国留学生来自世界各地。

    The foreign students studying in Beijing come from all parts of the world .

  10. 说是留学生,可不知道他在哪儿留的学。

    He is said to have studied abroad , but I don 't know what country he studied in .

  11. 但与此同时,越来越多的外国留学生正在来到中国。

    But at the same time , more and more foreign students are coming to China .

  12. 中国现在是第三大最受留学生欢迎的国家,仅次于美国和英国。

    China is now the third most popular country for international students , behind the United States and the United Kingdom .

  13. 随着中国在世界上扮演越来越重要的角色,越来越多的留学生开始通过这种神奇的语言来欣赏中国的文化。

    As China plays agreat role in the world , an increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate ( ) China 's culture through this amazing language .

  14. “降落伞儿童”(小留学生)指那些被送到另一个国家独自生活,或者有人照顾起居的孩子,而他们的父母仍留在本国国内,英文中也称为parachutechildren。

    Parachute1 kids are children sent to a new country to live alone or with a caregiver while their parents remain in their home country , also called parachute children .

  15. 出国留学贷款目前只适用于商业性贷款

    Loans for studying abroad are currently limited to commercial loans .

  16. 你的丈夫是否正对来家打工的留学女生暗送秋波?

    Is your husband lusting after the au pair ?

  17. 中国每年有成千上万名学生出国留学。

    There are hundreds of thousands of Chinese students studying abroad every year .

  18. 但是,主要的留学国家大都是欧美发达国家。

    However , the majority of destinations are developed countries in Europe and the United States .

  19. 被美国学校接受的外国留学生将会收到一份被称为资格证书的文件

    Foreign students accepted at an American school will receive a document called a Certificate of illegibility ( Eligibility ) .

  20. 中国是澳大利亚第一大旅游收入来源国,澳大利亚稳居中国第二大海外留学目的地。

    China is the largest source of tourist receipts for Australia while Australia is the second-largest destination of outbound Chinese students .

  21. 激发学生的学习主动性,让他们通过短期“游学”提前体验留学生活,以判断自己是否适合出国独立学习和生活。

    The short-term experience can also serve as a test showing if a student is able to live an independent life abroad or not .

  22. 最后我终于拿到了梦寐以求的留学签证,我高兴坏了,终于可以被送去留学了!

    international student I finally got the studiumvisum I dreamed about . I 'm on top of the world that I can be sent hundreds of miles away to study .

  23. 第十九条未取得居留证件的外国人和来中国留学的外国人,未经中国政府主管机关允许,不得在中国就业。

    Article 19 Aliens who have not acquired residence certificates or who are on a study programme in China may not seek employment in China without permission of the competent authorities of the Chinese Government .

  24. 这就是让我进退两难的状况。要想申请英国的短期留学签证,并在这里学英语,申请者首先应达到一定的英语水平。

    I can 't get permission from either . So it 's a catch-22 situation . To apply for a short-term1 student visa to study English in the UK , you have to be able to speak some English .

  25. 中国已经成为韩国最大贸易伙伴、最大出口市场、最大进口来源国、最大海外投资对象国、最大留学生来源国、最大海外旅行目的地国。

    China is now South Korea 's largest trading partner , No. 1 export destination and import source , and largest destination of overseas investment of South Korea . The largest number of foreign students and foreign tourists also come from China .

  26. 短期的国际游学,可以帮助建立良好的签证记录,为将来顺利获得留学签证奠定基础;

    Short-term to that university . This kind of study tour can help potential overseas students build a fairly good visa record , which may do some good when applying for student visa in the future . At the same time , it may serve as an impetus for students to study harder .

  27. 相伴着年轻人的是感化官而不是教师去法庭受审而不是去教室上课他们的大三留学之旅是去州立管教所当他们20多岁时没有商科的或英语的学位有的只是犯罪记录

    Young people on this journey are meeting with probation4 officers instead of with teachers . They 're going to court dates instead of to class . Their junior year abroad is instead a trip to a state correctional facility . And they 're emerging from their 20s not with degrees in business and English , but with criminal records .

  28. 基于Struts框架的外国留学生网上报名系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of application system for student abroad based on framework of Struts

  29. 本文的调查对象是30名参加过2005年10月HSK(高等)考试的北京语言大学留学生,我们采用调查问卷的方法,使用SPSS对数据进行统计分析。

    All of the thirty participants have taken part in HSK ( high level ) of October 2005 . We adopt the questionnaire method , and analyze the data by SPSS .

  30. 对互联网公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba)这位联合创始人的观点,越来越多的中国家长显然无法苟同。他们中越来越多的人会拿出相当于家庭年收入三四倍的钱,送他们唯一的孩子出国留学。

    More and more Chinese parents apparently disagree with the co-founder of internet company Alibaba : they are increasingly spending three or four years ' annual family income to send their only child for foreign study .