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  1. 留书边空白机,专门与印刷机一起使用

    Margin-setting machine specialized for use with printing machines

  2. 那晚陆菲青心想行藏已露,此地不可再居,决定留书告别。

    Kozo has been exposed that night Lufei Qing thought , here no longer living , decided to stay in the book Farewell .

  3. 便在此时,忽然房门推开,跌跌撞撞的走进一个人来,正是那位已经留书作别的陆老师。

    Would have at this time , when suddenly the door open , and tumble into one person , it was who had left instructions to the land unless a teacher .

  4. 我让图书馆管理员为我留一本书。

    I asked the librarian to put a book on reserve .

  5. 确认学费缴纳之后,发送在留资格认定书。

    After the payment is confirmed , Musashi-Urawa sends the certificate of eligibility to the successful applicant .

  6. 因为有人不想留着我的书。

    Somebody didn 't want to keep my book . "

  7. 我留着这本书,是因为那是我仅有的属于你的东西。

    I kept the book , because it was only thing that I had left you .

  8. 你可以留着这本书。

    You can keep this book .

  9. 员工:哦,但是你应该留着那本书。你对文学感兴趣吗?

    Employee : Oh , but you should keep it that one . Are you interested in literature ?

  10. 留着这本书,先别那么快放好-他或她稍后可能会再回来读,这是您应该鼓励的。

    Keep the book out-he or she may want to return to it later , which you should encourage .

  11. 清末留日学生译书在中国近代翻译史上占有十分重要的地位。

    Works of the Chinese overseas student translators in Japan had a major effect on modern Chinese ( 1900 ~ 1919 ) translation .

  12. 专家总是建议旅行者不要单人到偏僻的地方去,总要留一份计划书并让别人知道你预期何时返回。

    Experts always advise hikers not to go alone into remote areas , to always leave a copy of an itinerary and to let people know when they expect to return .