
dì fɑnɡ fǎ
  • local law;local act
  1. 公车司机将罗莎逮捕,之后她被判触犯地方法。

    The bus driver had Rosa arrested , and she was later convicted of breaking a local law .

  2. PCB板设计中的接地方法与技巧

    Connecting Local Law and Skill in the Board Design of PCB

  3. 弱电系统中的地线干扰与接地方法

    Grounding Wire Interference and Grounding Method in Electronic System

  4. 浅析计算机系统的接地方法

    Analysis of Grounding Connection Methods for Computer System

  5. 如果你要把雪板单独放在某处,最安全地方法是准备一把锁。

    We have listed some of the ways on how you can carry your Snowboard .

  6. 另一个更精确地方法是一种利用树的直径及其高度估计生物质的森林调查方法。

    Another , more precise method is a forest inventory that uses the diameters of the trees and their heights to estimate biomass .

  7. 另外,在采用数值分析法进行边坡的稳定性分析时,还可以采用间接地方法为边坡得出安全系数。

    In addition , a numerical analysis of slope stability analysis , using indirect methods can also be obtained for the slope safety factor .

  8. 在非洲,由于会毁坏庄稼,野象群经常和当地的农民发生冲突。而出于对野象的保护,农民们想到了一种既无害又有效地方法&用辣椒的气味,来驱赶野象。

    Farmers in Zambia are using hot chili to keep elephants away from their crops . It 's part of the continuing conflicts between humans and elephants .

  9. 文章介绍了用简易地方法和设备训作氩激光器中所需要的海绵体钡钨阴极工艺。

    In this paper , the technology of making sponge base barium-tungsten cathode ap-plied in Ar ~ + laser device by simple method and equipment is introduced in detail .

  10. 研究两者之间的关系有助于采取有效地方法加强企业履行社会责任,也有助于监督企业社会责任履行的情况。

    Research on the relationship between entrepreneurs ' cognition and corporate behavior on social responsibility help to take effective ways to strengthen corporate social responsibility , also help to fulfill corporate social responsibility monitoring the situation .

  11. 从动态角度用固定标准样地方法对三峡库区巴东县区段5种主要森林类型的林冠对降雨再分配特点进行了研究,结果表明生长季时期降雨林冠再分配特点因林型而异。

    The rainfall redistribution characteristics of canopy interception for five forest types in Badong county were studied by using fixed standard sample method . The results suggested that in different forest types , the rainfall redistribution characteristics of canopy in growing period were different .

  12. 基于GIS技术实现农用地估价方法创新

    Study on Method Innovation of Farmland Price Assessment Based on GIS

  13. GIS支持下遥感图象中采矿塌陷地提取方法研究

    The Extraction of Mining Subsiding Land from RS Image Supported by GIS

  14. 基于GIS的地统计学方法在土壤科学中的应用

    Utilization of Geo-statistic with GIS in Soil Sciences

  15. 在GIS技术支持下,利用地统计学方法系统地研究了基于村级土壤养分采样点实现村级土壤养分管理的可行性,并给出村级土壤养分管理的概念模型和实现方法。

    The feasibility of village - level soil nutrient management is analyzed based on system study of soil nutrient sample point using geostatistics method supported by GIS technology , then village - level soil nutrient management conceptual model and its realization method is shown .

  16. 采用2m×2m均匀栅格取样方式和等级次序地统计学方法,研究了面积为200m2褐土耕层土壤机械组成的空间变异性。

    Regular square grids with 2 m spacing was adopted to study the spatial variability of the cinnamon soil mechanical composition in a 10 m × 20 m plot .

  17. 定量荧光及地化方法识别真假油气显示

    Identify oil and gas shows by quantitative fluorescence and geochemical method

  18. 并采用地统计学方法对场地土壤的污染水平进行了空间分析。

    The spatial variability of pollutants was analyzed by geostatistics method .

  19. 探地雷达方法及在井下工程探测中的实际应用

    Ground Penetrating Radar and Its Application in Underground Engineering Survey

  20. 基于地统计方法的气候要素空间插值研究

    A Study on Spatial Interpolation Methods for Climate Variables Based on Geostatistics

  21. 用相位差谱统计规律探讨人造地震动方法

    Study on artificial ground motion method with statistical law of phase difference spectrum

  22. 基于差流检测的直流接地探测方法及装置研究

    A Method for Grounding Fault Detection and Device Based on Differential Current Measurement

  23. 基于属性的城市居民地综合方法研究

    The Study on the Generalization Method of City Settlements Based on the Attribution

  24. 快速查找变电所二次回路直流接地的方法

    A Method to Quickly Locate DC System Grounding of Secondary Circuit in Substations

  25. 用地统计学方法内插气象台站资料预报林火发生

    Forecast of Forest Fire Occurrence by Interpolating Meteorological Station Data Using Geostatistics Method

  26. 交流地电阻率方法在马家沟地震台试验结果

    Experimental results of alternative resistivity method in Majiagou station

  27. 有效减少高速公路用地的方法初探

    A Method for Decreasing of Expressway Land Acquisition

  28. 地统计学方法在土壤学中的应用

    The application of geostatistics to Soil Science Science

  29. 通过科学地训练方法使摆动腿发挥更好的作用。

    So we should use scientific way to improve the quality of long jump .

  30. 然后会自动地从方法参数中推断出类型参数的实例化。

    Then the type parameter instantiations would be inferred automatically from the method arguments .