
dì fǔ
  • the nether world
地府 [dì fǔ]
  • [the nether world] 人死后灵魂的归宿之地(迷信)

地府[dì fǔ]
  1. 就在此刻,赫耳墨斯到达地府。

    Just at that moment , Hermes arrived in the underworld .

  2. 从地府到天堂&西方史诗的传承和发展

    From Nether World to Paradise & Continuation and Development of Western Epics

  3. 每个幻象使我想起,我可能要魂归地府了。

    Each vision reminded me that I was probably going to die .

  4. 到了冬天,女神终于忍不住跑到了地府看望海地士。

    Until winter , she finally went to Haiti to see him .

  5. 泊瑟芬从地府回到人间的时候正是春天,她把百花的香气撒在大地上,把灿烂的阳光带给每一个人。

    Persephone was rescued and spreaded the aroma of her flowers scattered on the earth .

  6. 你们不知道我在地府里遭受的折磨。

    You have no idea of the tortures I am sentenced to undergo in Hell .

  7. 林发现自己已经身在地府了。

    Lin found himself in Hell .

  8. 我们供食物和酒给那些从地府来到人间的饿鬼。

    We offer food and wine to the famished ghosts that come up to earth from hell .

  9. 大地下面,普路托是阴朝地府之王;那儿,总是黑沉沉、阴森森的。

    Below the Earth , Pluto was king of the underworld , where it was always dark and gloomy .

  10. 因为帕尔塞福涅吃了六颗石榴种子,一年之中,她将在地府呆六个月。

    Because Perephone ate six seeds , she will live in the underworld for six months of the year .

  11. 滚到地府去,在那儿还可以饱餐一顿你们先辈大师的剩菜残羹!”

    Away with you to Hades , where you may eat your fill of the crumbs thrown you by former masters ! "

  12. 仰望群星的时分,我一清二楚,尽管它们关怀备至,我亦有可能赴地府。

    Looking up at the stars , I know quite well , That , for all they care , I can go to hell .

  13. 在鬼月的第一天,鬼魂会离开地府,寻找食物和娱乐,人们在这一天会燃香,

    On the first day of the month , when the ghosts leave their world in search of food and entertainment , incense is lit ,

  14. 到了宋朝时,凡经过各地府试者,无论及第与否,都可以称为秀才。

    The Song dynasty , when , where parts of the government through the test , whether or not third , can be called a scholar .

  15. 于是她找了一位那种可以观地府的灵媒,告诉灵媒她想要和奶奶的灵魂说话。

    So she went to a psychic , the kind who can see in a dark room , and said that she wanted to contact the soul of her grandmother .

  16. 到了中元节,鬼魂已经在人间游荡了两周,所以相较一开始离开地府时,他们现在会更加饥饿。

    By the time of the Hungry Ghost Festival , the spirits have been wandering the earth for two weeks , so by now they are even hungrier than when they first left their world .

  17. 阴间,冥府死者居住的地方,与犹太人的阴司和希腊人的阴世相同;冥府皮影戏《地府》的说明:皮影戏传说中阴间地府中十八层地狱。

    The abode of the dead , identified with the Hebrew Sheol and the Greek Hades ; the underworld . Leather-silhouette , Hell ( Introduction ): Eighteen layers of hell of nether world in leather-silhouette legends .

  18. 泊瑟芬从地府回到人间的时候正是春天,她把百花的香气撒在大地上,把灿烂的阳光带给每一个人。然而,她却忘不了在地府长眠的海地士,那双紫色的眸子在女神的心里挥之不去。

    When Posefen returned back to the world , it was spring . She scattered the fragrance around the world and brought sunshine to everyone , but she could not forget Pluto , especially his purple eyes .

  19. 他知悉前生、看见天界和地府、达致再生的尽头、得到至高的识见、这圣哲既获得所有的成就;我会叫他做婆罗门。

    He who knows former lives , who sees heaven and hell , who has reached the end of births and attained to super-knowledge , the sage , accomplished with all accomplishments , him I call a brahman .

  20. 星空中的真理仰望群星的时分,我一清二楚,尽管它们关怀备至,我亦有可能赴地府,可是尘世间我们丝毫不必畏惧人类或禽兽的那份冷漠。

    Looking up at the stars , I know quite well That , for all they care , I can go to hell , But on earth indifference is the least We have to dread from man or beast .