
  • 网络regional economy
  1. 延安市农村劳动力转移与农村地域经济类型

    Rural labor transition and regional economy types in Yan'an

  2. 旅游管理专业教学改革适应地域经济发展的探讨

    Probe into the Teaching Reform of Tourism Management Specialty Adapting to the Development of Regional Economy

  3. 我国地域经济差异与人口迁移研究

    Regional economic difference and population migration in China

  4. 新疆地域经济开发与总体布局

    Regional economic development and overall arrangement in Xinjiang

  5. 第四部分分析了城市地域经济腹地的基本特征及功能;

    The fourth section analyses the basic features and functions of urban area economic hinterland .

  6. 地域经济与羁縻制度&宋代广西左右江地区羁縻制度研究

    Regional Economic and the Jimi System & Research on Jimi System of Zuo You Jiang Region in Song Dynasty

  7. 同时,我们也应当看到我国地域经济发展水平很不平衡。

    At the same time , we should also see that the level of regional economic development is very uneven .

  8. 实际表明:一方面,交通基础设施建设历来对地域经济发展有着举足轻重的影响作用。

    The fact indicates that , one hand , the construction of traffic always affects the local economy development heavily .

  9. 影视剧拍摄场景的选择利用与地域经济文化发展的互补功用

    On the Complementary Function of the Choice of Movies and TV Plays Photographing Spots and Regional Economic and Cultural Development

  10. 东北资源型地域经济系统形成演化机理研究&以伊春市为例

    The Mechanism of Formation and Evolvement of the Resource-based Regional Economic System of Northeast China & Taking Yichun as an Example

  11. 城市化率的不断提高以及服务业产值比重的日益提高是地域经济发展的重要标志。

    The constant rise of urbanization rate and production value of service industry is the critical symbol of regional economic development .

  12. 电子结算作为一种新兴的在线资金交换方式,解决了人们跨地域经济活动的关键问题。

    As a new way of online money exchange , ECG help to solve many important issues in cross-area economic activities .

  13. 一种考虑地域经济差异的自然灾害灾情分级方法及应用

    A Method of Dividing Gradation of the Condition of the Natural Disaster Considering the Regional Economy Difference and It 's Application

  14. 中国民俗文化因其地域经济与民族历史文化构成的原因,形成了自成一体的文化特征。

    China 's folk culture has its own independent culture features because of China 's particular regional economy and national historical culture .

  15. 边缘地区主导产业成长机制是基于区域协调平衡发展、新型地域经济关系以及后发地区实现跨越式发展背景诞生的课题。

    Growth mechanism is a subject based on regional balanced development , new relationship of regional economic and great-leap-forward development of late-developing area .

  16. 公路项目建设在促进地域经济发展的同时,会造成沿线的环境、生态以及景观等方面的负面影响。

    Construction of the highway can accelerate economy of clime , but it will result in effect of environment and highway landscape ecology .

  17. 在研究对象上本文选择了具有地域经济特点的浙江传统产业集群。

    The traditional industrial clusters in Zhejiang , which have typical regional economic characters , are choose as the subject of my study .

  18. 特定的自然环境、人文环境、地域经济、社会发展演变形成了特定的民居形态。

    The special natural environment , cultural environment , regional economy , social development , reform and background make a locally special residential buildings .

  19. 晚清以来的口岸开放启动了地域经济从传统向现代的革命性转变。

    The opening of the ports to the outside world launched a revolutionary transformation of the regional economy from the traditional to the modern model .

  20. 市场的发展,又直接或间接地推动着地域经济的发展,有利于消除城乡二元结构的历史积弊。

    The development of the market in return accelerates the regional economic development directly and indirectly , and is good for eliminating the short comings .

  21. 城市化水平不断提高和服务业产值比重不断加大是经济快速增长地域经济发展的重要标志。

    It is an important symbol that the urbanization level enhances and the proportion of service industry enlarges in the region of rapid economic growth .

  22. 以上研究和设计实践,能推动地域经济和地域性产品的发展,更能为企业提供有效的借鉴和参考。

    The research and design practice , can promote the development of regional economy and regional product , more can offer effective reference for enterprises .

  23. 人力资源是21世纪地域经济与社会发展的重要战略性资源,并日益成为企业成功发展的首要资源。

    Human resource is the strategic resource to the developing city and local enterprise , and becomes the chief resource increasingly when enterprise achieves well development .

  24. 从大连地域经济为着眼点,对比北京,上海对日软件市场进行了横向比较,优劣势分析。

    In terms of region economy in Dalian , it compares Dalian 's software market toward Japanese business with Beijing and Shanghai and carries on horizontal comparison and advantage-and-disadvantage analysis .

  25. 阐述了发展和保护竹乡森林资源,应结合生态经济、地域经济和行政经济的诸多途径;

    Such a few of approaches as ecological economy , geographical economy , and administrative economy should be put into consideration as the development and protection of forest resources is involved .

  26. 边疆内地化背景下地域经济整合与社会变迁&清代陕北长城内外的个案考察

    Regional Economic Integration and Social Change in the context of the frontier into inland : An Example of the Northern Shaanxi areas Both Sides of the Great Wall in the Qing

  27. 但因学生学习基础的差异,地域经济发展的不平衡,各种教学媒体质量上的差别,有的甚至不能及时到位,不能满足学生学习的各种需求。

    Due to the difference of students ' basis , the non-balance of economic development , and difference of teaching media , it can not satisfy all needs of the students .

  28. 特定的地理自然环境、特定的人文环境、特定的地域经济和社会发展变革、特定的家族背景造就了特殊的聚落民居形态。

    It is specially geographical nature environment , human culture condition , district economy , social development and changes , and particular family backgrounds that form the special assembled vernacular house pattern .

  29. 因此,在宏观地介绍全国的社会经济情况的同时,应该结合本地方社会经济情况,在宏观的区域经济理论的关照下,回归到地域经济的分析中来,将使课程讲授更为具体生动。

    So when we teach the course , we may combine with the knowledge of the regional social and economical history and multiple mode of study to make the course more concrete and vivid .

  30. 但由于以往地域经济发展不平衡,中西部地区特别是西部地区,相对落后于中国东部沿海地区。

    However , owing to the uneven development of regional economies , the central and west regions , particularly the latter , now , in general , lag behind the coastal areas in east China .