
  • mat;Floor mat
  1. 不过,这位在双城市(TwinCities)的市郊从事可持续农业生产的农夫,所做的事要离谱得多:在自己那辆2005年大众甲壳虫敞篷车的副驾座位地垫上,种出了一小块微型菜园(microgreen)。

    Rather , Ms. Millard , a sustainable farmer outside the Twin Cities , did something even more unlikely : she grew a crop of microgreens on the passenger-side floor mat of her 2005 VW Beetle convertible .

  2. 一个高个女孩正站在外面的地垫上。

    A tall girl was standing on the mat outside .

  3. 周四,丰田(toyota)宣布再次在美国进行大规模车辆召回,以回应监管部门的担心存在缺陷、有可能卡住油门踏板的地垫没有得到修复。

    Toyota announced another huge vehicle recall in the US on Thursday in response to regulatory concerns that it had not fixed defective floor mats that can jam accelerator pedals .

  4. 专业地垫生产制造供应商。

    Pofrssional supplier and manufactory in multitudinous kind of mats .

  5. 专业生产加工地毯,地垫,广告地垫等。

    Our company professional production and processing of carpets , floor mats , advertising mats .

  6. 像杯垫,地垫,餐具,碗碟这类家居礼品有很高的实用价值。

    Household gifts like coasters , mats , cutlery , crockery are of high utility .

  7. 水泥晾干后将除尘地垫放入铝合金框架内。

    After cement become dry , put the dedusting doormat into the aluminium alloy frame .

  8. 抗疲劳地垫是如何起作用的呢?

    How does anti-fatigue matting work ?

  9. 地垫,椰壳纤维或西沙尔麻纤维制,其底部系绳索或由纺织纤维制

    Floor mat , of coir or sisal fibre with a base of cordage roof woven textile fabric

  10. 客户:您好,我想改变这种地垫,以一个更大的。

    Customer : Hi , I would like to change this floor mat to a bigger one .

  11. 这台铣床用楔子牢固地垫住了。

    To fix in place or tighten with a wedge . The milling machine was firmly chocked up .

  12. 汤阴地垫及其邻区大地形变、重力场变化与最新地壳运动

    Vertical crustal deformation and variation of gravity field and recent crustal movement in the Tangyin graben and adjacent region

  13. 浅谈吸塑、发泡填充工艺在载重汽车发动机罩、地垫生产中的应用

    Talk about suction plastic and foaming filler process used in production of engine cover and earth mat of heavy truck

  14. 赛瑞地垫以卓越的技术、意的服务、新的理念、实的态度来答谢每位关注赛瑞公司的客户。

    Seric Doormat will return each customer paying attention to Seric Company with excellent technologies , satisfying services , innovative concept , and practical attitude .

  15. 他的车,2008年的模型,也包括在该地垫召回,但在星期一的事件司机说踏板卡住了,是不是在垫子被困。

    His car , a2008 model , was covered by the floor mat recall , but the driver in Monday 's incident said the pedal jammed and was not trapped under the mat .

  16. 运动地板、弹性地板等新产品,通过增加厚度或粘贴地垫,来达到降低噪音、不磨边等效果。

    The new product such as athletic floor , stretch floor , through adding ply or stickup pad , will achieve reduce noise , do not grind the effect such as the edge .

  17. 以前,200个农户用收割的蓑衣草(赤颈鹤食物)生产低附加值地垫,现在他们转而生产高附加值手提包和帽子,向进入胡志明市的游客出售。

    Instead of producing low-value floor mats from the Lepironia sedge they harvest ( and the cranes feed on ), 200 families now craft high-value handbags and hats for the tourist trade in Ho Chi Minh City .

  18. 乐施会一共为灾区提供相等于174000美元的紧急援助物资,包括食物、帐篷、灯光、地垫、绳、木柴等,其中部分款项来自香港特区政府的账灾基金。

    Partially supported by the Hong Kong SAR Government 's Disaster Relief Fund , Oxfam Hong Kong responded with US $ 174,000 worth of urgent supplies , such as food , shelter , lights , mats , rope and firewood .

  19. 他卸下了厕所老旧的门和所有的木制隔板,又在地上垫了一些厚木板遮住厕所的蹲位,为床铺腾出空间。

    He took down the old door and all the wooden cubicles , and laid down some planks to cover up the toilet bowls and make room for a bed .

  20. 1从卫星测量得到的地面温度可以反映每个像元下垫面温度的平均状况,能够较详细地反映下垫面温度场的空间分布特征,具有传统观测方法无法比拟的优越性。

    It can reflect the average condition and the spatial distribution of underlying surface temperature in each pixel .

  21. 题材几乎敏感,但安全第一,好比在硬地上都垫上了软垫子。

    It was almost edgy . I mean , in a well-rounded , safety first , pillows on every hard surface kind of way .

  22. 我难为情地把瑜伽垫放进行李箱最底层(结果从此未再摊开过,直到去了印度)。

    Abashed , I stashed the Yoga mat away in the bottom of my suitcase ( never to be unrolled again , it would turn out , until India ) .

  23. 用Flu-ent6.1软件对水垫压力场的分布进行了数值模拟.研究结果表明:与传统的喷嘴平行布置方式相比,改进的喷嘴错位布置方式能够大幅度地提高水垫带式输送机的承载能力;

    The distribution of water cushion pressure fields was simulated by using software Fluent 6.1.The results show that the load-carrying capacity of water cushion belt conveyor is improved by using offset muzzles .

  24. 所以建立水垫塘底板振动实时监测系统,准确、及时地诊断出水垫塘结构的隐患和病害十分必要。

    Therefore , to establish the real time monitoring system of plunge pool floor vibration , which can accurate and timely diagnose the structure of water plunge pool risks and diseases is necessary .

  25. 化学雷区,地底下的压力垫,

    A chemical minefield , pressure pads in the ground ,

  26. 尤其地,这种保护垫能够更容易地附着于家用器具的外表面。

    In particular , the protection pad can be more easily attached to the outer surface of the home appliance .

  27. 结果表明,本模式能合理地模拟荒漠下垫面地表热量平衡、土壤体积含水量、地表植被蒸发散阻抗、地表水汽通量日变化和湍流交换系数、湍流动能、位温和比湿廓线等。

    The results show that this model can reasonably simulate the diurnal variations of heat balance , soil volumetric water content , resistance of vegetation evaporation , flux of surface moisture , and profiles of turbulent exchange coefficient , turbulent momentum , potential temperature , and humidity mixing ratio .