
  1. 过不了多久我们就会到达地球二号了。

    Not much Ionger and we 'll be at earth two .

  2. 也许你某天会发现地球二号。

    May be you 'll discover Earth II someday .

  3. 地球科学二级学科领域SCI论文产出数量从高到低依次为:地质科学、地理科学、空间物理学、环境科学、地球物理学、大气科学、海洋科学、地球化学。

    The numbers of Chinese geosciences papers of the secondary disciplinary taxonomy from high to low are : geology , geography , space physics , environment science , geophysics , atmospheric science , oceanography , geochemistry .

  4. 漫话地球两极二、末日意识

    Talk of the Two Poles of the Earth

  5. 本论文的主要实验测量工作可分为古地磁学与地球化学二大部分。

    The experimental measurements are mainly of two folds : palaeomagnetism and geochemistry . 1 . Palaeomagnetism .

  6. 本文设计了三个数值算例分别模拟径向分层黏弹地球对二阶球谐负荷、均厚圆盘负荷和全球末次冰期真实冰负荷的响应。

    Three numerical cases are considered for the loading responses of stratified viscoelastic earth to second degree harmonic load , uniform disc ice load , and last-glacial realistic ice load respectively .

  7. 基于PREM的地球引力势二阶系数的潮汐摄动

    Tidal perturbation of geopotential coefficients of second order based on the Prem rheological parameters

  8. SSC的这辆车可能它旗下是最好的一款车型,它的中置发动机可以让其从速度上来说达到在地球上第二快,而它也是这份表单上排名第十的名贵车型。

    Shelby SuperCars 's possibly best , this mid-engine supercar is the second fastest car on the planet and is the tenth most expensive car on our list .

  9. 壳聚糖,是地球上第二大可再生的天然资源。

    Chitosan is the second largest part of natural resources .

  10. 噢,是的.它是地球上第二个低的地方。

    Oh , yes . It is the second lowest place on earth .

  11. 我们正准许地球播放她的二元性游戏,尽她可以最好的方式。

    We are allowing Earth to play out her game of duality , as best she can .

  12. 木聚糖是半纤维素的主要成分,是地球上第二大可再生碳源。

    Xylan is a major component of hemicellulose , and the second most abundant renewable organic carbon on the earth .

  13. 这项破天荒的地理发现表明,最里边的地核实际上是地球的第二个核心。

    This breaking seismic research shows that Earth 's innermost core is , in fact , Earth 's second-innermost core .

  14. 从1846年以来,天文学家就着力寻找地球的第二个卫星。弗雷德里克是第一个声称自己找到第二卫星的人。

    Since 1846 , astronomers have been searching for a second moon of Earth . Frederic Petit was the first to claim he had found one .

  15. 海豚可能是人类之后地球上第二聪明的生物,但是专家警告海豚智力的科学案例是基于相当少的数据的。

    Dolphins may be Earth 's second smartest creature after humans , but experts caution that the scientific case for dolphin intelligence is based on relatively little data .

  16. 如果地层里的污泥润滑带还不够震撼人心,那么这一定可以:伊利诺伊大学和南京大学组成的研究合作团队发现了地球的第二个核心。

    If finding a lubricating belt of tectonic sludge wasn 't exciting enough , collaborators from the University of Illinois and Nanjing University have discovered Earth 's second core .

  17. 在自然界中,甲壳质的生物合成量约为1×10~9~1×10~(11)t/d,是地球上第二有机资源,也是人类取之不尽的再生绿色资源。

    Naturally there are about 1 × 109 ~ 1 × 1011 tones of chitin produced everyday on the earth , that means the second inexhaustible and recycling organic resource with no pollution .

  18. 地球在今年二月份时遭到了五年之后最强的太阳爆发的干扰,等离子的洪流以每秒580英里的速度向人类世界奔驰而来。

    The world got a taster of the sun 's explosive power in February when the strongest solar eruption in five years sent a torrent of charged plasma hurtling towards the world at580 miles per second .

  19. 10亿年后,地球将成为第二颗金星。

    In a billion years , Earth will become a second Venus .

  20. 地球同步卫星(二)

    A Stationary Satellite , part 2

  21. 湖南湘西金矿尾矿的地质地球化学特征与二次开发前景

    Geological and geochemical features and Prospect of secondary exploitation of tailings in Xiangxi gold mine , hunan Province

  22. 大约21亿年前,这块迄今地球发现的第二块最古老的火星陨石形成于一次火山喷发过程中。

    At 2.1 billion years old , it 's the second-oldest known Martian meteorite that formed from a volcanic eruption .

  23. 非洲作为地球上的第二大陆(第一大陆是亚洲),它的面积几乎有中国的三倍大。

    The second largest continent on earth ( the largest is Asia ), Africa is almost three times the size of China .

  24. 地球的冲突第二年,由科技长官红色警报领导的一支汽车人队伍受擎天柱委托,对超载的武器系统进行了升级。

    Commissioned by Optimus Prime during the second year of the Earthen Conflict , the Overload weapons system was developed by a team of Autobot scientists led by Science Office Red Alert .

  25. 当第一级烧毁后,沿抛物线的轨道落到地球,而第二级的发动机点火把火箭发射到地球轨道。

    After the first stage burns out , it falls back to earth along a parabolic path , while the engines of the second stage fire to thrust the rocket into an earth orbit .

  26. 他曾在1909年预言自己会和哈雷彗星一起“离去”——这颗彗星曾在他出生那年出现过——在彗星达到其最接近地球点的第二天,马克·吐温去世了。

    Having predicted in 1909 that he would " go out " with Halley 's comet - which appeared in the year of his birth - he died the day after the comet 's closest approach to Earth .

  27. 如果说地球是母亲,我们就是襁褓中的婴儿,除了地球我们没有第二个家园。

    If we say that the Earth is the mother , then us , the human beings , are the infants who are still wrapped in swaddling clothes , the Earth is our only home .