
  • 网络earthquake series
  1. 东亚及西太平洋地区的地震系列

    Earthquake series in East Asia and the West Pacific Region

  2. 初步结果表明:在一个地震系列中,随着临近较强地震(ML≥3.2)的发生,微震P波在10周&60周频率范围内的谱值增高,其置信水平一般在70%以上。

    The preliminary results show that the amplitudes of the spectra of microearthquake P waves in the frequency range 10 cps-60 cps increase before the occurrences of larger earthquakes ( ML ≥ 3.2 ), and decrease after them within the corresponding frequency ranges .

  3. 地震系列属震群型。

    Their seismic series belongs to seismic group type .

  4. 南黄海地震系列的波谱分析(一)

    Spectral analysis on the South Yellow Sea earthquake sequence ( part 1 )

  5. 乌什地震系列和地震序列的特征

    Characteristics of the series and sequence of Wushi earthquake

  6. 内容包括:空间分布方法、地震系列方法、震级序列方法、相关方法、震源参数与介质参数方法及多项集成方法。

    Correlation , hypocenter and medium parameters , as well as multinomial integration .

  7. 欢迎明天继续收看我们唐山大地震系列的第二部分。

    Join us tomorrow for the second part in our series about the Great Tangshan Earthquake .

  8. 东亚及西太平洋地区的强震与中强震系列可以分类为板间地震系列与板内地震系列。

    The strong and moderate earthquake series in East Asia and the West Pacific region can be divided into two kinds , one is interplate earthquake series , the other is intraplate earthquake series .

  9. 海城地震前震系列与震群&兼论前震系列在地震预报中的一种功能

    The foreshock sequence of Haicheng earthquake and earthquake swarm & the use of foreshock sequences in earthquake prediction

  10. 经三年地震勘探系列技术实验研究,取得了火山岩屏蔽,多次波干涉和复杂海况施工系列技术经验;

    Through three-years Study and technical experiment of the seismic exploration , three key techniques of volcanic reflective shielding .

  11. 本文选用几种适当的天体运动周期,计算出与之相应的地震韵律系列。

    In this paper , a few proper periods of celestial movement are selected and the " seismic rhythmic series " related to the periods are calculated .

  12. 本文结合川西地区致密非均质气藏勘探的实践经验,详细介绍了川西坳陷致密非均质储层地震识别的系列技术。

    This paper introduces the serial techniques for seismic recognition of tight heterogeneous reservoirs in Chuanxi depression in conjunction with practical experience in the area .

  13. 国务院承认,这一巨型水库可能会带来水质污染,移民安置问题,引起地震等一系列问题。

    The State Council , or cabinet , acknowledged problems with water pollution , relocation of area residents , and seismological risks from the huge reservoir behind it .

  14. 2003年的非典事件,以及后来的甲流、三聚氰胺、汶川地震等一系列公共危机事件的发生更是带给业界与学界许多思考。

    2003 SARS events , and later Amour flow , Melamine , Wenchuan earthquake and so on . A series of public crisis events brought to industry and academic a great deal of thought .

  15. 通过本次研究,充实了复杂山地三维地震采集技术系列,为塔里木盆地复杂山地油气勘探提供了技术支撑。

    After this research , the acquisition technique series of complex mountainous area has become more mature by our researches , and will become an important support for the oil exploration of Tarim basin .

  16. 文中介绍了I/OsystemⅡ遥测地震仪与200系列编译码器,进行有线放炮时遇到的几个问题以及解决办法。

    This paper introduces several problems met and how to solve them when using I / O system and sss-200 encoder / decoder to realize shooting down the cable .

  17. 这些地震簇由一系列时空相关的地震组成,每一次强震前都可能有其地震簇出现。

    A seismic cluster consists of a series of earthquakes related to each other in time and space .

  18. 作为由地震所引起一系列的地基失稳问题,如震陷、液化等,都是工程中经常遇到的。

    A series of problems about the stability of foundations caused by the earthquakes , such as seismic settlement liquefaction etc.

  19. 建立了比较完备的、速度从低到高的地震物理模型材料系列。

    It has been established a relatively integrated physical modeling material series that features velocities of low values through high values .

  20. 大地震的前兆性地震系列

    The precursory earthquake sequence of strong shock