  • copious;abundant

  • a surname
  • 水势湍急,行动迅疾的样子:~然。~~。

  • 充盛的样子:充~。丰~。

  • 有水有草的地方。

  • 跌倒,倾仆:颠~(挫折困顿)。

  • 古同“旆”,旌旗。


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 沛宏

    Bei Hong


[书] (盛大; 旺盛) copious; abundant:

  • 精力充沛

    be full of energy;

  • 沛然降雨。

    A copious rain began to fall.

  1. 希望籍此呼吁热爱索沛CS的朋友,如果您有一定经济能力的话,赞助一下索沛。

    Would like to take calls love sorpack CS friends , if you have certain economic capacity to do so , sponsors look sorpack .

  2. 商店员工分发了免费的瓶装水、可沛利(CapriSun)饮料、水果燕麦棒,并提供大型遮阳伞。

    Store employees handed out free bottled water , packs of Capri Sun , fruit and granola bars and provided large umbrellas for shade .

  3. 《蓝精灵》是1958年10月23日由比利时漫画家沛优(Peyo,PierreCulliford的笔名)创作的一部漫画,描写一群生活在大森林中的蓝色精灵的故事。

    The Smurfs is a comic and television franchise centred on a group of small blue fictional creatures called Smurfs , created and first introduced as a series of comic strips by the Belgian cartoonist Peyo ( pen name of Pierre Culliford ) on October 23 , 1958 .

  4. 尽管只占到雀巢产品1100亿法郎销售额的5%,Nespresso现在在所有家喻户晓的品牌中发展最为迅速。这些品牌包括沛绿雅矿泉水、美极酱油、菲利克斯猫食,当然还有雀巢巧克力。

    Though it represents about 5 percent of overall Nestle sales of 110 billion francs , Nespresso is now the fastest growing among the most important brands at a company that owns household names like Perrier water , Maggi sauce , Felix cat food and , of course , Nestle chocolate .

  5. 请你看看这些,你会更了解索沛。

    You can visit following link for more knowledge of Sorpack .

  6. 沛诺,你觉得这件怎么样?

    Pedro , how do you feel about that one ?

  7. 欣母沛在宫缩乏力性产后出血中的应用

    Application of hemabate in postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine inertia

  8. 这种咖啡有点类似于希腊法拉沛。

    This coffee beverage is kind of similar with the Greek Frappe .

  9. 我想它符合你的性格,沛诺。

    I think this matches your season , pedro .

  10. 红花注射液结合施沛特治疗髌股关节骨关节炎疗效观察

    Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis Treated with Sofast Combined with Honghua Injection

  11. 施沛特在膝关节骨性关节炎治疗中的应用

    Application of sodium hyaluronate injection in knee osteoarthritis

  12. 子宫腔填塞纱条联合欣母沛治疗产后出血的疗效

    Effect of Uterine Cavity Gauze Packing and Yan Pei Joint Treatment on Post-partum Hemorrhage

  13. 马来酸N-乙基沛心达对动物心血管系统的药理作用

    Cardiovascular effects of N-ethyl perhexiline maleate in animals

  14. 沛秀可能会从马上摔下来的。

    Baesik would have fallen off his horse .

  15. 欣母沛治疗难治性宫缩乏力性产后出血的临床观察

    Clinical observation of carboprost tromethamine therapy for postpartum hemorrhage induced by refractory uterus inertia

  16. 沛诺,听你的心底的话。

    Pedro , just listen to your heart .

  17. 本刊特约记者中国银行驻新加坡分行的林沛先生就新加坡实行存款保险计划的情况为我们做了详尽的介绍。

    The reporter has introduced the plan of the deposit insurance in Singapore to us .

  18. 这是这还是沛浩吧?

    This is BAE ho , right ?

  19. 你们是,沛诺的亲密的表兄弟?

    So you guys are , like , pedro 's cousins with all the sweet hookups ?

  20. 阳子居要到南部一个叫沛的地方去,而此同时,老子将往北到秦去旅游。

    Yangzijie planed to travel to Pei while Laotse was going to travel north to Qin .

  21. 沛富光电备份,让您能够备份数据,对一个电脑和还原到另一个。

    ABF OE Backup allows you to backup data on the one computer and restore to another .

  22. 方法分析113例用施沛特或非甾体消炎药治疗肩部撞击症的疗效。

    Method To analyze the curing effects of 113 cases of shoulder collision injury treated by those two medicines .

  23. 目的探讨施沛特与非甾体消炎药治疗肩部撞击症的优缺点。

    Objective Probe into the advantage and disadvantage of Shipeite and non-steroid anti-infective in curing collision injury of shoulder .

  24. 另外,川吕沛也在演讲中提出警告,泰国还未摆脱危机。

    In addition , Chuan Leepai warned in his speech that Thailand has not yet recovered from the crisis .

  25. 这是很受大家喜爱的夏日饮品。对超级喜欢喝咖啡的人来说,能在闷热的天气喝上一杯法拉沛,绝对是一大享受。

    It 's a favorite summer drink and a very cool refresher on a hot day for coffee lovers .

  26. 如沛内含显著数量的抗氧化物,包括类胡萝卜素、叶黄素、蕃茄红素以及若干的生物类黄酮。

    LifePak includes significant amounts of antioxidants such as the carotenoids , lutein , lycopene and a number of potent bioflavonoids .

  27. 结果与结论:施沛特治疗退行性关节炎、创伤性关节炎、类风湿关节炎、肩关节周围炎和滑膜炎具有良好效果,特别对轻、中度患者疗效更好。

    Results and Conclusion : SOFAST has good curative effect for the arthritis , especially for the light and medium patients .

  28. 阿龙:这时,沛沛老师给了我一盘尚未发行的测试磁带。

    A long : at that time , Peipei gave me the testing tape , which had not yet been published .

  29. 欣母沛防治乙型肝炎产妇剖宫产产后出血的临床疗效观察

    The efficacy and security of Hemabate in prevention and cure of postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section on parturients with hepatitis B

  30. 沛富音频标签编辑器允许您这样做,没有单独的标签编辑的对话与编辑,他们直接在清单中的细胞。

    ABF Audio Tags Editor allows you to do without the separate tag editing dialogs and edit them directly in the list cells .