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tiě jiǎ
  • armour;mail;armour for vessels, vehicles, etc;armored;armoured
铁甲 [tiě jiǎ]
  • (1) [mail;armour]∶古代用铁片连缀而成的战衣;铁制的铠甲

  • (2) [美armored;英armoured]∶装甲的

  • 铁甲车

铁甲[tiě jiǎ]
  1. SuitX的“铁甲”目前正在接受汽车制造商通用公司和菲亚特公司的测试。

    SuitX 's " suits " are now being tested by car manufacturers General Motors and Fiat .

  2. 最近,数字领域公司承担的项目包括电影《铁甲钢拳》(RealSteel)和《变形金刚2:卷土重来》(Transformers:RevengeoftheFallen)。

    Recent digital domain projects include real steel and Transformers : Revenge of the fallen .

  3. 随着上海迪士尼开园的临近,香港迪士尼去年10月份推出了建设“铁甲奇侠”(IronMan,又称:钢铁侠)游乐设施的计划,这将是钢铁侠人物首次出现在迪士尼主题公园里。

    As the opening of Shanghai 's park looms , Disney in October unveiled plans to build an Iron Man attraction , the first-ever for a Marvel-based character at a Disney park .

  4. 这两艘建造于不莱梅的小型铁甲舰配备了一个有2门120MM炮的埃利克森式炮塔(旋转式炮塔)。

    Built in Bremen , the monitors were armed with two12cm bronze cannon in an Ericsson-type turret .

  5. 马尾造船厂就造出了铁甲船。

    The Mawei shipyard was able to make completely armored ships .

  6. 那你可不该把铁甲脱了

    You should have left your armour on for that .

  7. 手性胺诱导的甲基多巴不对称合成芳胺的二茂铁甲基化反应

    Asymmetric Synthesis of a-Methyldopa via the Induction of Chiral Amines Chiral Compounds

  8. 铁甲列车武装有一个或更多的炮塔。

    Trains can be armed with one or more turrets .

  9. 穿上铁甲,看谁厉害

    Put on the suit , let 's find out .

  10. 我可没有铁甲护身

    You see , I don 't get a suit of armour .

  11. 穿上铁甲,我们大战几个回合

    Put on the suit . Let 's go a few rounds .

  12. 铁甲威龙让你炙手可热。

    You 're making a name for yourself in security concepts with robocop .

  13. 丁日昌等极力主张购买铁甲舰,抵抗日本的侵略。

    Qing government was stimulated by Japanese invasion into Taiwna , Ding Ri-chang etc.

  14. 因其防御能力特别出众而被命名为铁甲战车。

    Named iron clad for its defence capability .

  15. 保护胸部的盔甲;是护胸铁甲的前边一部分。

    Armor plate that protects the chest ; the front part of a cuirass .

  16. 在他的铁甲上,有个银质的功勋十字章。

    On his cuirass he wore the silver cross of the Legion of Honor .

  17. 标准化组织需要铁甲纪律来确保他们标准化的是最佳实践。

    Standards consortia need iron-clad rules to ensure that they standardize existing best practice .

  18. 滑铁卢战争中,他在杜布瓦旅当铁甲骑兵队队长。

    At Waterloo , he was chief of a squadron of cuirassiers , in Dubois'brigade .

  19. 实验中,二茂铁甲酸既是碳源又是催化剂前驱体。

    In experiment , ferrocene carboxylic acid acted as carbon sources and catalytic agent sources .

  20. 可溶性聚3-[(二茂铁甲酸乙酯)三乙氧基]氧基噻吩的合成与性质表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of Soluble Poly [ 3 - ( ferrocenyl-ethyl formate ) triethoxy ] thiophene

  21. 个人而言,我觉得这个无名机器人看着更像《铁甲威龙》里面那只。

    Personally , I think this unnamed robot looks a lot like the bad bot from Robocop .

  22. 就是这个小小的光环,如今它不仅是铁甲已与我融为一体

    This little circle of light , it 's part of me now , not just armour .

  23. 可怜的老铁甲拳。

    Poor old mailed fist .

  24. 不管钢板多么厚的铁甲舰,哪一艘能吃得消它的冲角的一撞呢?

    What armor plate , no matter how heavy , could bear the thrusts of his spur ?

  25. 二战期间,欧洲大陆上如洪流的不只有纳粹的铁甲。

    During the World War II , not only the tanks of Nazi were all around the Europe .

  26. 铁甲草醇提取物抑制二甲基亚硝胺诱导大鼠肝纤维化的实验研究

    Inhibitory Effect of Ethanol Extract of Cassia mimosoides Linn . on Dimethylnitrosamine - induced Hepatic Fibrosis in Rats

  27. 铁甲奇侠游乐区将于2016年开业,比上海迪士尼开业的时间晚一年。

    The Iron Man attraction will open in 2016 , one year after the launch of Shanghai Disneyland .

  28. 老炮手暴跳如雷,说,这混蛋的身上一定有一层六英寸厚的铁甲!

    said the old gunner in his anger . That rascal must be covered with six-inch armor plate !

  29. 在一个早期的物证上,两名铁甲骑兵向他们追逐的铁甲骑兵射箭。

    One piece of early evidence even shows two cataphracts firing bows at several other cataphracts they are pursuing .

  30. 海南省新发现的林业外来入侵害虫&水椰八角铁甲八角林分水源涵养功能的研究

    A new invasive coconut pest in Hainan Province . A Study on the Water Conservation Function of Illicium verum Forest